Biola Broadcaster - 1964-10

dividual conditions, went unheeded. Now what does all of this teach us for today? There is a very important lesson in that the things which God has meant for the blessing of the people can turn out to be a curse. God desired to meet with His people in the house which He instructed David to build. David planned it and Solomon built i t But the hearts of the people were far, far from Him. Since they rejected His laws and His status He consequently departs from them. The place which should have been a green pasture becomes a wild­ erness. Could this not be true in our day Do we obey the Lord? Are we merely worshipping Him in formality and ritual? Let us not forget that judgment can fall upon us even as it fell upon God’s ancient people. (To be continued next month) WHICH ARE YOU? Someone has classified people into three different categories, describing them as the flint, the sponge, and the honeycomb. The test is when an in­ dividual is asked to give. To get any­ thing out of a flint, it must be ham­ mered, and then generally it emits only sparks. As far as a sponge is concerned, it must be squeezed. The more it is compressed the more that comes out of it. But as far as the honeycomb is concerned, it overflows with its own sweetness. Even so, thinking of the three, some people are stingy and hard, and like the flint they give nothing away i f they can help it. Others are more good-natured yielding to pressure. The more the appeal the more readily they give. But the true Christian is to be liken to the honeycomb, delighting to give without being asked at all. Of this one the Bible declares, “The Lord loveth a cheerful giver.” How we thank God for the many of you who are in this category. Through the years you have stood faithfully by Biola, realizing th e fulfillment of blessing in the words of the Apostle Paul when he declared, “Moreover, brethren, it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful.”

STAFF APPOINTMENT Mr. Ronald N. Haynes has been appointed assistant manager of the

Bi o la Book Room which is located at 560 So. Hope Street in downt own Los Angeles. Mr. F. J. Wiens will continue as manager of the La Mi r ada Bi ol a Book Room in addi­ tion to the overall direction fo r bo t h stores.

Mr. Haynes

Recently the downtown Biola store was remodeled and equipped with Sunday school and church supplies now conveniently located on an ex­ panded main floor. Mr. Haynes came to Biola follow­ ing service in the Better Book and Bible Store, Portland, Oregon. He is married and has two children. He is affiliated with the Conservative Bap­ tist Church and attended Western Baptist Seminary for two and one- half years. TRAINING FOR CHILDREN A University of California survey indicates that a billion copies of comic books are sold in the United States each year and that the money expend­ ed is about one hundred million dol­ lars. This is four times the combined annual book purchasing budget of public libraries in the entire country and more than is spent on text books for the nation’s elementary and sec­ ondary schools. I t is true that what we feed upon we become and when children are given the garbage and trash of this world, what else can be expected? This is the reason why we are training, here at Biola College, Christian school teachers who will go into the public schoolroom and by lip and by life be able to hold high the banner of the cross. We feel that one of the greatest mission fields in all the world is that which is right on our own doorstep. Troubles, like babies, will grow larger if you nurse them!


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