be the choice of a life partner and the other a life occupation.” Attending Biola College, I had the opportunity of speaking in several churches. One night, after one of t h e s e se rv i ces , God definitely showed me both of these important aspects of my life. I knew who was to be my wife and what was to be my life’s calling. My wife and I are now preparing further for the ministry. While she is studying at Biola Col lege, I am attending Talbot Semi nary. The Lord is richly blessing in this time of preparation. Although we feel there is more preparation ahead for a more effec tive witness, we also praise the Lord for His guidance and direction. I have the joy of a student pastorate a short distance from school. The Lord has blessed us richly in this work although often there are diffi culties which may at the moment seem insurmountable. A promise which has meant much to me has been, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made per fect in weakness.” My desire is the same as the one which Paul stated in Philippians 3:10, “That I may know Him!” A fter graduating from High School, I enlisted in the Air Force. One day while working on a
Talbot Theological Seminary Testimonies
W hile working for the Sante Fe Railroad, a medical s t u d e n t from the University of Kansas wit nessed to me as we labored together that summer. He was very patient and
after see i ng t he way he lived I, too, accepted Christ. After this time I entered the Army and looked for a Bi b l e - t ea c h i n g church. After much searching my wife and I started at tending a Bi bl e study sponsored by
Howard Cole
the Officer’s Christian Union. Through this group we grew in the Lord (my wife having been saved in one of the studies), and I began to seek God’s will for my life. We prayed for a year before the Lord showed us that He wanted us to enter the ministry. In 1960 I resigned from the Army and entered Talbot Theological Semi nary. The Lord has been faithful dur ing these last three and a half years, and has given us many opportunities to glorify His name. We are just trusting Him for the future, wherever He may lead. I T WAS ONLY EIGHT MONTHS after my birth in Canada that my mis sionary parents took me to Africa.
p l a n e , I w a s knocked uncon scious and taken to the naval hospital. The first day after gaining conscious ness, I was told that my mo t h e r had pas sed away and that arrange ments had been
Life s ince t h en has been divided be tween Canada, Af r i c a , and the Un i t ed States as my parents labored with the Sudan In terior Mission. When as a teen ager I was counsel ling with our pas-
Josh McDowell made for me to go home for the funeral. The first night back in the hospital, after the funeral, was the loneliest night of my life. It was then that I asked myself, “Why am I here? What is the purpose? What is the meaning of life?” After receiving a medical dis- 20
Don McDougall tor in Wheaton. He told me, “In the next six years, you will have made the two most impor tant choices of your life. One will
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