charge, I started searching for the answer. I looked to the world but saw a strange insecurity with no real answer. Then I turned to other young pepple, but they seemed to have a vacuum in their life. St. Au gustine rightly said, “Thou hast cre ated us for Thyself O God.” Then I turned to myself. I set goals and values for my life. As I committed myself to these principles I kept fall ing far short. This is, of course, ex actly what sin is, “falling short” of God’s perfect standards. One day a young man told me about the Lord and gave me a number of Scriptures, including John 10:10. I read more in the Bible about Jesus and was con vinced He was the Son of God and that He died for me that I might live evermore. I asked Christ to come into my heart. He did and gave me a life of contentment. When I be came a child of God, it didn’t elimi nate all ‘my problems but Christ gave me a peace and confidence to ride the storms through His power. I wouldn’t trade this for anything. S pectacular conversions are es pecially interesting. However, there are more ordinary people saved
From Jamaica. Jacqueline Lewis, a studentinthe Bioli School of Mis ionaryMedicine, combs hair of patient in Ijos Angeles County GeneralHospital.
C h r i s t i a n Conference Grounds. Providentially, the Lord brought me under the charge of a young colle gian who “sparkled” in his testimony for Christ. I had been a Christian longer than he, but his exuberance stirred up my own desire to witness for Christ. Step by step, the Lord was leading onward and upward. During high school I came under the guidance of a youth pastor, Rev. Royal Blue, who had been graduated from Biola. My eyes were now opening to training in the Bible, although I had been aim ing for an education in engineering up to that time. After spending six months active duty in the Army, I realized my urgent need to know more of the Bible. Biola seemed to be the only place to go. The Lord has led an ordinary per son by ordinary means into the most extra-ordinary life. I am a twice- born man, called to be a witness to ordinary people of the extraordinary Gospel which is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that be- lieveth. 21
u nd e r o r d i n a r y circumstances than we realize. As a junior boy in Sun day school, attend ing a small church, God first spoke to my hea r t . Tha t God’s power could work through the years so surely in
John Atherton my ¡¡fe makes it seem all the more wonderful to me. So often there’s a familiarity and friendliness toward God with no real personal trust in the Saviour. When my faithful teacher asked every boy in his class to accept Jesus personally into his heart, I suddenly wanted to be saved. God did i t ! When I was fifteen, I spent the ‘summer working at Forest Home
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