A. It is amazing the number of views and “hearsays” which have come forth on these passages. First of all, this does not teach that a person has a second chance after death for salva tion. That would destroy the main thrust of the Bible. One who goes out of this life not trusting Christ has no chance whatsoever in the next. Sec ondly, there are some who take this to mean that Christ, when He died, went to Sheol to tell those there what had happened. The wicked dead could do nothing about such a heralding, so that it would only make the punish ment greater. We believe that our Lord entered the abode of the right eous dead, Paradise, A b r a h am ’s bosom, and, as Ephesians 4:18 shows, He led those who were captive to be with Him forevermore in glory. Our Lord Jesus is pictured as dying, being put to death in His flesh, and then made alive by the operation of the Holy Spirit. Peter says this same Holy Spirit is the One through whom He went and preached through Noah while that generation was still living. Q . Seattle, Washington — “I ’m confused about what wiU happen following the millennial reign of Christ. Who in habits the new earth? Will Christians be upon it? Also will those who are saved during the tribulation and mil lennium have the opportunity of being in heaven?” A. Revelation 20 shows us that after the millennium Satan will be loosed for a season. He will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth and gather them together to battle. The forces which he leads will seek to destroy God’s people Israel. But fire will come down from God out of heaven and devour them (Revelation 20:9). Following this there will be the White Throne Judgment. After this there is the de struction of the old world as we know it (II Peter 3:10-13). The redeemed with their resurrection bodies will in herit the new earth. The earth may be one center of activity but the whole of 29
Rev.Wiliam Richards (left), Biola Stewardship Repre sentative for Central California, as he is interviewed by Mr. Al Sanders over "The Biola Hour."
A. This Scripture means in the hu man realm. An enemy can be won by the love of Christ manifested through a believer. Certainly Satan is not go ing to change. We are to resist the devil. We are living in a very soft age where we are supposed to love everything and hate nothing. Let us love righteousness and hate wicked ness. Q . Tucson, Arizona — “Was Paul speak ing about himself or someone else when he declared, ‘I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago . . . caught up to the third heaven’ (II Corinthians 12:1-4).” A. It is generally understood by Bible students that this does refer to the experience Paul had himself, possibly at the time he had been stoned and left for dead. He endured many afflic tions during his life time. The ex perience gave Paul added impetus and conviction as he preached during his entire ministry of witnessing and writing. Q . Sacramento, California — “I am con fused over I Peter 3:18-20; 4:6. Could you help me? What is specifically meant by Christ’s preaching to the spirits in prison?”
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