quires a study of the context. Paul is talking about the redeemed as verse 26 plainly indicates. That is, all who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and trusted Him for salvation are children of God. Now in Christ we are all one. When we receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour there is no racial difference, nor any other barrier as to sex or age. We are all one in Christ Jesus. This does not mean that we will not have any individuality or any sep arate entity. It simply shows us our unity as believers. Q . Sacramento, California. — “In Romans 7:1, we read, ‘Wherefore, my breth ren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ: that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fru it unto God.’ Does this mean that when Christ was crucified the five books of Moses, spoken of as the law, were ful filled?” A. Yes, it certainly does. The law is directed to people who are alive. It has no control over the dead. When the founder of our country, George Washington, was alive he had to keep the laws of the areas in which he lived. But now that he is dead there are no laws on any statute books of. the 50 states or the District of Colum bia which can say anything concern ing him. As we have trusted Christ we are not to desire to go back to the law. It was a “schoolmaster” to bring us to the Saviour. When Jesus died on the cross He freed us from the yoke of the law’s bondage. The reason is that we may bring forth spiritual fruit and blessing unto the glory of God. Q . Fresno, California — “Does the Bible say that a church building must be built of stone or otherunse God will reject it?” A. We know of no such reference. Think of those who are saved in little country wood frame buildings, or of
God’s universe is going to be our heritage. Those who are saved during the tribulation and millennium will have the opportunity of being in heaven. Old Testament saints will be in heav en as well. We will all be there in heaven, each in his own sphere of re sponsibility and activity, from all the various ages. We will be worshipping God and singing praises to the Lamb. Q . Albany, Oregon — “Who is going to inherit the earth when Christ comes? I t seems like everyone is going to Heaven.” A. To answer this we must know whether you mean our Lord’s coming in the rapture or in His complete rev elation. We will answer it both ways. When the Saviour comes to meet the Church in the air, all the redeemed will go to be with Him forevermore. Wherever He is we will be also. This is the Bride of Christ which appears at the marriage supper of the Lamb spoken of in Revelation 19. At that time the earth is cast into an un speakable period of woe and agony known as the Tribulation. But fol lowing this period of unprecedented difficulty across the face of the globe, Christ returns visibly. The Bible tells us, the words of our Lord that “the meek shall inherit the earth.” These will be the saved from the Tribula tion made up of both Jews and Gen tiles who were not a part of the church age. They will inherit the earth. Not everyone is going to be in Heaven. As redeemed, however, we will have access to all areas in Heaven and on earth. Our residence will be in Heaven. Those who inherit the earth will be godly Jews and Gentiles who come out of the Tribulation. Q . Seattle, Washington — “What does Paid mean in Galatians 3:28 when he says, ‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.’ ” A. An understanding of the verse re
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