“ / is the ringing AjT note of Hebrews. In writing to Hebrew Christians it is natural that the author of Hebrews would form a common ground by declaring the fact of divine revelation and by recognizing Judaism as the fruit of such. Furthermore, it is to be expect ed that, in keeping with his thesis, he would point beyond that which was good to something which is better. If Judaism was the result of a good revelation, Christianity is the fruit of a better one. In view of this fact it naturally follows that under this better revelation more is to be expect ed of those who espouse it. To imple ment this idea, he points out the ulti mate purpose of all divine revelation to which his readers should aspire. I. T he E lements in R evelation (1:1-14) 1. The Divine Element (1:1a) The source of all revelation is God. The author does not argue for His existence, he merely assumes that He is. He also assumes that God reveals Himself. Since the essential nature of God is love, He can do no other than manifest Himself to those who believe in Him. God is not discovered; He reveals Himself. Man’s knowledge of God is not derived from his upward and la borious climb from the valley of poly theism to the pinnacle of monotheism. Neither is God a mere projection of man’s personality, as some claim; He is the Person from whom man re ceives all that is highest and noblest in His being (Gen. 2:7). In one word — “God” — the author of Hebrews sets aside the machinations of those who seek to discover the origin and goal of true religion amid the blind gropings of sinful men. He declares them to be given through the self unveiling of a mighty and merciful God. Furthermore, he declares that this revelation is personal. While God is evidenced in the work of His hands (Psalm 8), He reveals Himself by the word of His mouth. By the work of His hands God could show His maj esty and might. But ony through an 33 f ~ ' 10D SPAKE . .
by Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson,
Pastor, Bethany Baptist Church, West Covina, California
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