Easy Steps to Feng Shui Your Christmas Qi ~ MAGIC PDF TEM…



Releasing what you have not yet completed is always good for us but this month if you need some support in getting things finished then head to this area and get them done. The Sum of Ten is here and it means completition luck with success. The area will be calmer than it has been for the year but you will still want to make sure you watch the energy. Bring in a tall clear vase of clear water - you can add in 3 stems of bamboo if you like. If this is your tree area then be careful of the harmony and do not have any big conversations in this space. Christmas trees can be a balance of teal colours with a dash of red. Watch what you are telling yourself. You have the energy of Heaven Qi here this year so all your are thinking is being answered from a higher space. This month we have a little unwellness Qi as well so not one of the best spots for a tree and gathering but if this is the only spot you have bring in the metal element and colours to your tree. Golds, silver, bronze colours will help settle this energy down. You are not in this space for long, and if you are only using for your Christmas day celebrations and gathering the energy will be okay. 4. THE NORTH WEST

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