Dulwich College Standard Terms and Conditions

Dulwich College - Standard Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction 1.1 practice of independent schools for many generations and are intended to promote the education and welfare of each pupil and the stability, forward-planning, proper resourcing and development of the College. Together with any letter of offer and any acceptance form signed by the Parents, these terms and conditions form the legally- binding contract for educational services made between the Parents and the College in relation to the Pupil (“the Parent Contract”). 1.2  We ask the Parents to read these terms and conditions 1. Introduction 1.1  These terms and conditions reflect the custom and

expression includes those to whom any duties of the Master or the Governors have been delegated. 2.11 “the Parents” or “you” means any person who has signed the acceptance form and/or who has accepted responsibility for a child’s attendance at the College. 2.12 “the Pupil” is the child or person under the age of 18 named on the acceptance form. The age of the Pupil will be calculated in accordance with the College’s normal custom. 2.13 “suspension” means that a pupil has been sent or released home for a limited period, either as a disciplinary sanction or ending t e outcome of an investigation or by reason of non-payment of Fees. 2.14 A “term’s notice” means written notice given before the first day of a term and expiring at the end of that term. 2.15  “withdrawal” means that the Parents have withdrawn the Pupil from the College. home for a limited period, either as a disciplinary sanction or pending the outcome of an investigation or by reason of non-payment of Fees. 2.14 A “term’s notice” means written notice given before the first day of a term and expiring at the end of that term. 2.15 “withdrawal” means that the Parents have withdrawn the Pupil from the College. 3. Admission and Entry to the College 3.1 Registration and Admissio : Applicants will be considered as candidates for admission and entry to the College when 3. Admission and Entry to the College 3.1 the registration form has been completed and returned to us and the non-returnable registration fee paid. Admission will be subject to the availability of a place and the Pupil and the Parents atisfying the admission requirements at the tim . 3.2  Offer of a Place and Acceptanc Deposit: An acceptance deposit of such mount s may from time to time be 2.11  “the Parents” or “you” means any person who has signed the acceptance form and/or who has accepted responsibility for a child’s attendance at the College. 2.12  “the Pupil” is the child or person under the age of 18 named on the acceptance form. The age of the Pupil will be c lculated in accord ce with the College’ normal custom. 2.13  “suspension” means that a pupil has been sent or released

These terms and conditions reflect the custom and practice of independent schools for many generations and are intended to promote the education and welfare of each pupil and the stability, forward-planning, proper resourcing and development of the College.Together with any letter of offer and any acceptance form signed by the Parents, these terms and conditions form the legally-binding contract for educational services made between the Parents and the College in relation to the Pupil (“the Parent Contract”). We ask the Parents to read these terms and conditions carefully and in particular draw your attention to the provisions of paragraphs 2.14, 8, 9 and 10. If you have any queries regarding these terms and conditions please contact the Clerk to Governors, Dulwich College, Dulwich Common, London SE21 7LD. carefully and in particular draw your attention to the provi ions of paragraphs 2.14, 8, 9 and 10. If y u have any q eries reg ding these terms a d conditions please contact the Clerk to Governors, Dulwich Colleg , Dulwich Common, London SE21 7LD. “acceptance form” means the document produced by the College which (once signed) confirms acceptance of the College’s offer of a place at the College for the Pupil. “acceptance form” means the document produced by the College which (once signed) confirms acceptance of the College’s offer of a place at the College for the Pupil. “admission” occurs when Parents accept the offer of a place. “the College” , “we” and “us” mean Dulwich College as now or in the future constituted.The College is a registered charity. “entry” is the date when the Pupil attends the College for the first time pursuant to the Parent Contract. “permanently exclude” means that the Pupil has been expelled from the College or otherwise required to leave by the College. “Fee” and “Fees” where used in these terms and conditions include each of the following charges where applicable: (i) registration fee; (ii) acceptance deposit; (iii) boarding deposit; (iv) tuition fees; (v) boarding fees; (vi) fees for extra tuition; include each of the following charges where applicable: (i) registration fee; (ii) acceptance deposit; (iii) tuition fees; (iv) boarding fees; (v) fees for extra tuition; (vi) examination fees; (vii) any fees payable in respect of the coach service; (viii) other extras such as boarding house charges, charges in respect of clothing, equipment, photographs and other items ordered by the Parents or the Pupil and charges arising in respect of visits, tours, trips and outings; (ix) expenses incurred by the College in helping the Pupil to apply for a visa to study in the United Kingdom; (vii) examination fees; (viii) any fees payable in respect of the coach service; (ix) other extras such as boarding house charges, charges in respect of clothing, equipment, photographs and other items ordered by the Parents or the Pupil and charges arising in respect of visits, tours, trips and outings; (x) expenses incurred by the College in helping the Pupil to apply for a visa to study in the United Kingdom; (xi) compensation for wilful loss of or damage to property belonging to any person by the Pupil; and (xii) late payment charges, if incurred (including interest). “Fees in lieu of notice” means Fees in full for the term of notice at the rate that would have applied had the Pupil attended the College that term (limited to the parental contribution in the case of a scholarship or bursary). “Board of Governors” and “Governors” mean the governing body of the College, who are charity trustees and responsible for the governance of the College.


2. Terminology 2.1 2. Terminology 2.1

Registration and Admission: Applicants will be considered as candidates for admission and entry to the College when the registration form has been completed and returned to us and the non-returnable registration fee paid. Admission will be subject to the availability of a place and the Pupil and the Parents satisfying the admission requirements at the time. Offer of a Place and Acceptance Deposit: An acceptance deposit of such amount as may from time to time be determined by the College will be payable when the Parents accept the offer of a place. The acceptance deposit will be repaid by means of a credit without interest to the final payment of Fees or other sums due to the College when the Pupil leaves the College. Until credited, the acceptance deposit will form part of the general funds of the College. determined by the College will be payable when the Parents accept the offer of a place. (The acceptance deposit payable for a boarding place is a larger sum than the acceptance deposit for a day place.) The acceptance deposit is not refundable if the Pupil does not take up his place at the School (see paragraphs 9.2 and 9.3 below). Otherwise, the acceptance deposit will be repaid by means of a credit without interest to the final payment of Fees or other sums due to the College when the Pupil leaves the College. Until credited, the acceptance deposit will form part of the general funds of the College. Direct debit mandate: Except where none of the Parents lives in the United Kingdom or has an account with a bank or building society with offices in the United Kingdom: (i) the Pupil may not join the College until the Parents have returned to the College a duly completed direct debit mandate; and (ii) the Parents will sign and return a direct debit mandate promptly on the College’s request. or building society with offices in th United Kingdom: (i) the Pupil may not join the College until the Parents have retur ed to the College a duly completed direct debit mandate; and (ii) the Parents will sign and return a direct debit mandate promptly on the College’s request. 3.4 Boarding Pupils – First Term’s fees payable on Boarding Deposit: The College requires payment of a full term’s boarding Fees (in addition to the acceptance deposit) as a deposit in the case of a boarding pupil. The boarding deposit will be repaid by means of a credit on the invoice for the first term’s fees. (A boarding pupil’s acceptance deposit will be repaid in accordance with clause 3.2 above.) Meaning: Pastoral care is a theme that runs throughout all aspects of life at the College and is directed towards the happiness, success, safety and welfare of each pupil and the integrity of the College community. Equal Treatment: The College welcomes staff and children from many different ethnic groups, backgrounds and acceptance: In the case of a boarding place, the Parents shall pay a full term’s boarding Fees (in addition to the acceptance deposit) when they accept the offer of a place. This will be credited on the invoice for the first term’s fees. Overseas Parents: If the Parents are outside the United Kingdom when they sign the acceptance form or provide an address or addr sses outside the United Kingdom on their acceptance form, the Par nts shall ay a full term’s tuition fees (in addition to the acceptance deposit) when they accept the offer of a place. This will be credited on the invoice for the first term’s fees. creeds. We make all adjustments that we reasonably can to accommodate the needs of children who have disabilities. 3.6  Overseas Pupils: In order to comply with the College’s responsibilities as a licensed sponsor under the Home Office’s points-based immigration system, the Parents consent to the College notifying and/or supplying information relating to the Parents’ and/or the Pupil’s right to enter, reside and/or study in the United Kingdom to the United Kingdom Visas and Immigration unit of the 3.3  Direct debit mandate: Except wh re none of the Parents lives in the United Kingdom or has an account with a bank


“admission” occurs when Parents accept the offer of a place.


2.3 2.3 “the College”, “we” and “us” mean Dulwich College as now or in the future constituted. The College is a registered charity. 2.4  “entry” is the date when the Pupil attends the College for the first time pursuant to the Parent Contract.



2.5 2.5  “permanently exclude” means that the Pupil has been expelled from the College or otherwise required to leave by the College. 2.6  “Fe ” and “Fees” where used in these terms and conditions




(x) compensation for wilful loss of or damage to property belonging to any person by the Pupil; and (xi) late payment charges, if incurred (including interest). 2.7  “Fees in lieu of notice” means Fees in full for the term of

2.7 notic at the rate that would have applied had the Pupil attended t College that term (limited to t parental contribution in the case of a scholarship or burs ry). 2.8   “Board of Governors” and “Governors” mean the governing b dy of the College, who are charity trustees and responsible for the governance f the College. 2.8

4. Pastoral Care 4.1 3.5

2.9 “Head of School” means one of the following: the Head of the Junior School, the Head of the Lower School, the Head of the Middle School and the Head of the Upper School. 2.10 “the Master” means the person who has overall executive responsibility for the running of the College and that 2.9  “Head of School” means one of the following: the Head of the Junior School, the Head of the Lower School, the Head of the Middle School and the Head of the Upper School. 2.10  “the Master” means the person who has overall executive responsibility for the running of the College and that expression includes those to whom any duties of the Master or the Governors have been delegated.


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