Dulwich College - Standard Terms and Conditions
Home Office (regardless of whether or not the College sponsors the Pupil). If the Pupil does not have European Union nationality and the Parents do not request that the College sponsors the Pupil to enter and study in the United Kingdom, the Parents’ completion of the acceptance form will be deemed to constitute confirmation that the Pupil has the legal right to be in the United Kingdom and attend the College. The provision of false information regarding the Pupil’s nationality or immigration status will be considered a material breach of the Parent Contract. If the Pupil is found not to be in possession of the correct leave to be in the United Kingdom, the Pupil may be required to leave the College on immediate notice and without refund of the acceptance deposit or fees paid. 4. Pastoral Care 4.1 Meaning: Pastoral care is a theme that runs throughout all aspects of life at the College and is directed towards the happiness, success, safety and welfare of each pupil and the integrity of the College community. 4.2 Equal Treatment: The College welcomes staff and children from many different ethnic groups, backgrounds and creeds. We make all adjustments that we reasonably can to accommodate the needs of children who have disabilities. 4.3 Ethos: The College seeks to foster good relationships between members of staff, between the pupils themselves and between members of staff and pupils. Bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination are not tolerated. The College and its staff will act fairly in relation to pupils and parents and we expect the same of pupils and parents in relation to the College and its staff. The College’s anti-bullying policies are available on request from the Master’s Office and are on the College’s website. 4.4 Our Commitment: We will do all that is reasonable to safeguard and promote the Pupil’s welfare and to provide pastoral care to at least the standard required by law in the particular circumstances and often to a much higher standard. We will respect the Pupil’s human rights and freedoms which must, however, be balanced with the lawful needs and rules of the College’s community and the rights and freedoms of others. 4.5 Master’s Authority: The Parents authorise the Master to take and/or authorise in good faith all decisions which the Master considers on proper grounds will safeguard and promote the Pupil’s welfare. 4.6 Confidentiality: The Parents authorise the Master to override their own and (so far as they are entitled to do so) the Pupil’s rights of confidentiality, and to impart confidential information on a ‘need-to-know’ basis where necessary to safeguard or promote the Pupil’s welfare or to avert a perceived risk of harm to the Pupil or any other person. 4.7 Pupils’ Rights: A pupil of sufficient maturity and understanding has certain legal rights which the College must observe. These include the right to give or withhold consent in a variety of circumstances and certain rights of confidentiality and, usually, the right to have contact with both natural or adoptive parents. If a conflict of interests arises between a Parent and a Pupil, the legal rights of, and duties owed to, the Pupil will in most cases take precedence over the rights of, and duties owed to, the Parent. 4.8 Provision of Information to Parents: Ordinarily the College provides (and only provides) information about a pupil to
1. Introduction 1.1 the persons who signed the acceptance form in respect of the Pupil. However, the College is not obliged to provide information about a pupil to such a person where: (a) a court order has been made to the contrary; (b) in the College’s reasonable opinion withholding information from that person is in the Pupil’s best interests; or (c) the College does not believe the person in question has legal or parental responsibility for the Pupil. At the same time, the College reserves the right to give information about a pupil to another person where: (i) the College believes that that person has legal or parental responsibility for that pupil; and (ii) the College believes that providing the information to that person is in the pupil’s best interests. 4.9 Disclosure of information by Parents: The Parents must, as soon as possible, disclose to the College: (a) any medical 1.2 condition, health problem or allergy ffecting the Pupil; (b) any circumstances which might ffect t e Pupil’ welfare, safety or happiness; and (c) any C urt order affe ting th Pupil’s care or welfare. 4.10 Physical Contact and Contact Sports: The Parents give their consent to such physical contact as may accord with 2.2 good practice and be appro riat and proper for teaching and instruction, for providing comfort to a pupil in distress, to maintain safety and good order, or in connection with the Pupil’s health and welfare. Unless the Parents notify the College to the contrary, the Parents consent to the Pupil participating, under proper supervision, in contact and non-contact sports and other activities forming part of the College curriculum and they acknowledge that while the College will provide appropriate supervision the risk of injury cannot be eliminated. For the avoidance of doubt, corporal punishment is prohibited. 2.3 2.4 2.5 4.11 Leaving College Premises: The College will use reasonable endeavours to prevent the Pupil leaving premises in breach 2. Terminology 2.1 2.6 of College Rules. The Parents acknowledge, however, that the College is not legally entitled to prevent a pupil aged 16 or older leaving College premises. 4.12 Complaints: Any question, concern or complaint about the pastoral care or safety of the Pupil should be notified immediately to his Form Tutor or Head of School. A copy of the College’s current Complaints Procedure will be supplied on request and is available on the College’s website. 4.13 Special Precautions: The Parents may be excluded from College premises if the Master or any Deputy Master considers such exclusion to be in the best interests of the Pupil or the College. 2.8 education guardian acceptable to th College. Short-term boarding may be provided uring term time for a pupil whose accommodation ar angements h v broken down and may be charged as an extra. The Pupil’s Head of School must be notified in writing immediately if the Pupil will be residing during term time under the care of someone other than a parent. 4.14 Residence during Term-time: Except when boarding, pupils are required during term-time (including weekends) to reside with a parent or legal guardian or with an 2.7 4.15 Term-time Absences: The Parents acknowledge that the Pupil must attend College throughout term-time and that (save in exceptional circumstances and with the prior agreement of the Master or th Pupil’s Head of School) the Parents may not take the Pupil out of school during term-time to go on holiday or for any other reason. The Parents acknowledge that a pupil’s absence from College disrupts both his own education and the education of his
These terms and conditions reflect the custom and pr of independent schools for many generations and are intended to promote the education and welfare of eac pupil and the stability, forward-planning, proper resou and development of the College.Together with any lett offer and any acceptance form signed by the Parents, terms and conditions form the legally-binding contrac educational services made between the Parents and t College in relation to the Pupil (“the Parent Contract”) We ask the Parents to read these terms and condition carefully and in particular draw your attention to the provisions of paragraphs 2.14, 8, 9 and 10. If you have queries regarding these terms and conditions please the Clerk to Governors, Dulwich College, Dulwich Com London SE21 7LD.
“acceptance form” means the document produced by College which (once signed) confirms acceptance of th College’s offer of a place at the College for the Pupil. “admission” occurs when Parents accept the offer of a place. “the College” , “we” and “us” mean Dulwich College a now or in the future constituted.The College is a regis charity. “entry” is the date when the Pupil attends the College the first time pursuant to the Parent Contract. “permanently exclude” means that the Pupil has bee expelled from the College or otherwise required to lea the College. “Fee” and “Fees” where used in these terms and con include each of the following charges where applicabl registration fee; (ii) acceptance deposit; (iii) boarding d (iv) tuition fees; (v) boarding fees; (vi) fees for extra tuit (vii) examination fees; (viii) any fees payable in respect of the coach service; (ix) other extras such as boarding house charges, charges in respect of clothing, equipm photographs and other items ordered by the Parents o Pupil and charges arising in respect of visits, tours, tr and outings; (x) expenses incurred by the College in h the Pupil to apply for a visa to study in the United King (xi) compensation for wilful loss of or damage to prope belonging to any person by the Pupil; and (xii) late pay charges, if incurred (including interest). “Fees in lieu of notice” means Fees in full for the term notice at the rate that would have applied had the Pup attended the College that term (limited to the parenta contribution in the case of a scholarship or bursary). “Board of Governors” and “Governors” mean the governing body of the College, who are charity trustee responsible for the governance of the College.
2.9 “Head of School” means one of the following: the Hea the Junior School, the Head of the Lower School, the H of the Middle School and the Head of the Upper Schoo 2.10 “the Master” means the person who has overall execu responsibility for the running of the College and that
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