Dulwich College Standard Terms and Conditions

Dulwich College - Standard Terms and Conditions

fellow pupils. In the case of non-boarding pupils, when both Parents will be absent from the Pupil’s home overnight or for a twenty-four hour period or longer, the College must be informed in writing of the name, address and telephone number of the adult who will have care of the Pupil in the Parents’ absence. It is expected that the Pupil will reside with this adult during the Parents’ absence. 4.16  Education Guardians: A pupil of any age whose parents 1. Introduction 1.1

4.20  Liability: Unless negligent or guilty of some other wrongdoing causing injury, loss or damage, the College does not accept responsibility for accidental injury or other loss caused to the Pupil or the Parents or for loss or damage to property. 4.21  Pupil’s Personal Property: Pupils are responsible for the security and safe use of all their personal property (including bicycles, money, mobile phones, locker keys, watches, computers, calculators, mp3 players, cameras, musical instruments and sports equipment) and for property lent to them by the College. 4.22  Insurance: The Parents are responsible for insurance of the Pupil’s personal property whilst at the College or on the way to and from College or any College-organised activity away from College premises. From time to time the College can, via its insurance brokers, offer other forms of insurance such as personal accident benefits or fee remission insurance, but the College does not accept a contractual duty to do so. The Parents may obtain further information on application to the Fees Administrator. It is the Parents’ responsibility to make claims under any insurance schemes offered. 4.23  Force Majeure: Neither the College nor the Parents will be liable if they are unable fully or promptly to perform their obligations under the Parent Contract as a result of any of the following circumstances provided they do everything they reasonably can to mitigate their effect: fire, flood, storm, bad weather (including heavy snow disrupting transport) or other Act of God, pandemic or epidemic of any disease, industrial action, war, civil unrest, terrorist threat or incident. (Please see also Clause 11.7 below.) 5. Health and Medical Matters 5.1  Medical Declaration: On request, the Parents will complete a form of medical declaration concerning the Pupil’s health. The Parents must inform the Pupil’s Head of School in writing if the Pupil: (i) develops any medical condition, health problem or allergy; (ii) suffers an injury that may affect his ability fully to participate in school activities (academic or co-curricular); (iii) is unable to take part in games or sporting activities, or (iv) has contact with any infectious disease. 5.2  Medical Care: Every boarder must be registered on the list of the College Medical Officer while a pupil at the College. The Parents must comply with the College Medical Officer’s quarantine regulations as amended from time to time. 5.3  Medical Examination: All new boarders must have a routine medical examination with the College Medical Officer (or other doctor appointed by the College), usually during the first term at the College. New day pupils may be required by their Head of School to have a routine medical examination during their first term. Arrangements can be made on request for a parent to be present but this is subject to the Pupil’s consent if the Pupil is of sufficient maturity and understanding (usually at 12 years old). All new pupils complete the College’s health questionnaire. 5.4  Pupil’s Health: The College may at any time require a medical opinion or certificate as to the Pupil’s general health. A pupil of sufficient age and maturity is entitled to insist on confidentiality. 5.5  Medical Information: Throughout the Pupil’s time at the College, the College Medical Officer shall have the right creeds. We make all adjustments that we reasonably can to accommodate the needs of children who have disabilities. Direct debit mandate: Except wh r none of the Parents lives in the United Kingdom o has an account with a bank or building society with offices in the Uni d Kingd m: (i) the Pupil may n t join the College unt l the Parents have returned to the College a duly completed direct debit mandate; and (ii) the Parents will sign and return a direct debit mandate promptly on the College’s request. Boarding Deposit: The College requires payment of a full term’s boarding Fees (in addition to the acceptance deposit) as a deposit in the case of a boarding pupil. The boarding deposit will be repaid by means of a credit on the invoice for the first term’s fees. (A boarding pupil’s acceptance deposit will be repaid in accordance with clause 3.2 above.) Meaning: Pastoral care is a theme that runs throughout all aspects of life at the College and is directed towards the happiness, success, safety and welfare of each pupil and the integrity of the College community. Equal Treatment: The College welcomes staff and children from many different ethnic groups, backgrounds and Regist ation nd Admission: Applicants will be considered as candidat s for admissio nd entry t the College when the registration form has b en completed and returned to us and the on-returnable registration fee paid. Admission will be subjec to the availability of a place and the Pupil and th Parents satisfying the admission requirements at the time. Offer of a Place and Acceptance Deposit: An acceptance deposit of such amount as may from time to time be determined by the College will be payable when the Parents accept the offer of a place. The acceptance deposit will be repaid by means of a credit without interest to the final payment of Fees or other sums due to the College when the Pupil leaves the College. Until credited, the acceptance deposit will form part of the general funds of the College.

expression includes those to whom any duties of the Master or the Governors have been delegated. 2.11 “the Parents” or “you” means any person who has signed the acceptance form and/or who has accepted responsibility for a child’s attendance at the College. 2.12 “the Pupil” i the child o person unde the age of 18 named on the acceptance form. The age of the Pupil will be calculated in accordanc with the Colleg ’s normal custom. 2.13 “suspensio ” means that a pupil has bee ent or released home for a limited period, either as a disciplinary sanction or pending the outcome of an investigation or by reason of non-payment of Fees. 2.14 A “term’s notice” means written notice given before the first day of a term and expiring at the end of that term. 2.15 “withdrawal” means that the Parents h v withdr wn the Pup l ro the College.

are resident outside the United Kingdom must have an education guardian in the United Kingdom who has legal authority to act on behalf of the Parents in all respects and to whom the College can apply for authorities when necessary. The College can accept no responsibility during exeats (permitted periods of time away from school), half term or the holidays for pupils whose parents are resident abroad and the parents and guardians of such pupils must make holiday arrangements, including travel to and from the College, well in advance. The responsibility for choosing an appropriate education guardian rests solely with the Parents. These terms and conditions reflect the custom and practice of independent schools for many generations and are intended to promote the education and welfare of each pupil and the stability, forward-planning, proper resourcing and development of the College.Together with any letter of offer and any acceptance form signed by the Parents, these terms and conditions form the legally-binding contract for educational services made between the Parents and the College in relation to the Pupil (“the Parent Contract”). We ask the Parents to read these terms and conditions carefully and in p rticular draw your attention to the provisions of paragraphs 2.14, 8, 9 and 10. If you have any qu ries regarding th se terms and co ditions please contact th Clerk to Governors, Dulwich College, Dulwich Commo , London SE21 7LD.


The Parents are responsible in each case for satisfying themselves as to the suitability of an education guardian. 4.17  Personal Data: The College will need to use information 2. Terminology 2.1 “acceptance form” means the docum nt produced by the Colle e which (once signed) confi ms acceptance of the College’s offer of a place at the College for the Pupil.

3. Admission and Entry to the College 3.1

relating to the Pupil and the Parents (including names, contact details, school records, photographs and video recordings) whilst the Pupil is at the College and after the Pupil has left, for various purposes connected with the running of the College including: Managing relationships between the College and current pupils/parents; fulfilling the College’s obligations under the Parent Contract; assessing eligibility for bursarial support; promoting the College to prospective pupils/parents; publicising the College’s activities; fundraising; communicating with the College community and alumni body and maintaining the College’s historical archives. This may include use of such information by the College in/on the College’s prospectus and other promotional material, the College’s website and the College’s social media channels. The College will process personal data about the Parents and the Pupil in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation. The College will process such personal data in order to “admission” occurs when Parents accept the offer of a place. “the College” , “we” and “us” mean Dulwich College as now or in the future constituted.The College is a registered charity. “entry” is the date whe the Pupil attends the College for the first ti e p rsuant to the Parent Contract. “permanently exclude” means that the Pupil has been expelled from the College or otherwise required to leave by the College. “Fe ” and “Fees” where used in these t rms a conditions include each of the following charges where applicable: (i) r gistration fee; (ii) a ceptance depo it; (iii) boardi g deposit; (iv) tuition fees; (v) boarding fees; (vi) fees for extra tuition;








comply with any court order, request from or referral to an appropriate authority or legal, regulatory or good practice requirement; to perform the College’s obligations under the Parent Contract and for the purposes set out in the Parent Contract; and where otherwise reasonably necessary for the College’s legitimate purposes. The College places privacy notices on its website giving further information about its use of personal data and the rights of data subjects. 4.18  Right to object (Photographs & Film): The Parents should notify the College’s Director of Communications in writing (vii) examinat on fees; (viii) any fe s payable in respect of the coach servic ; (ix) th extras such as boarding house charges, charges in respect of clothing, equipm nt, p otographs and other items ord d by the Parents or the Pupil nd charges arisin in respect of visits, tours, trips and outings; (x) expenses incurred by the College in helping the Pupil to apply for a visa to study in the United Kingdom; (xi) compensation for wilful loss of or damage to property belonging to any person by the Pupil; and (xii) late payment charges, if in urred (including interest).



if they do not wish photographic, film or other images of the Pupil to appear in any of the College’s promotional material (including its prospectus and website) or in communications with alumni (e.g. the school magazine), donors and feeder schools or to be shared with any other school with whom the College carries on joint activities or educational programmes. The Parents should also inform the Pupil of their wishes in this regard. “Fees in lieu of notice” means Fees in full for the term of notice at the rate that would have applied had the Pupil attended the College that term (limited to the parental contribution in the case of a scholarship or bursary). “Board of Governors” and “Governors” mean the governing body of the Colleg , who a e charity trustees and responsible for the governance of the College.

4. Pastoral Care 4.1



2.9 “Head of School” means one of the following: the Head of the Junior School, the Head of the L wer School, the Head of the Middle School and the Head of the Upper School. 2.10 “the Master” means the person who has overall executive responsibility for the running of the College and that

4.19  Transport: The Parents consent to the Pupil travelling by any form of public transport and/or in a motor vehicle driven by a responsible adult who is duly licensed and insured to drive a vehicle of that type. If the Pupil drives himself to College, the Parents will take all reasonable steps to ensure that he complies with the guidelines issued by the College (available from the Upper School Office).

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