Dulwich College - Standard Terms and Conditions
to disclose confidential information about the Pupil, if considered to be in the Pupil’s own interests or necessary for the protection of other members of the College community. Such information will be given and received on a confidential, ‘need-to-know’ basis. 5.6 Emergency Medical Treatment: The Parents authorise the Pupil’s Head of School, the Master or a Deputy Master to consent on behalf of the Parents to the Pupil receiving emergency medical treatment, including blood transfusions (unless the Parents have notified the College that they object to blood transfusions), general anaesthetic and operations under the National Health Service or at a private hospital where recommended by an appropriately qualified person to be necessary for the Pupil’s welfare and if the Parents cannot be contacted in time. 5.7 Keeping the Pupil at home: If the College so requires (due to a health risk posed by the Pupil to others or vice-versa or by reason of a virus, pandemic, epidemic or other health risk) the Parents will keep the Pupil at home and not permit him to return to the College until such time as the College believes the health risk has been averted. The College shall use all reasonable endeavours to continue providing education to the Pupil remotely during any such period (for example, by sending work assignments electronically or by post). 6. Educational Matters 6.1 Our Commitment: Within the published range of the College’s provision from time to time, we will do all that is reasonable to provide an educational environment and teaching of a range, standard and quality which is suitable for each pupil and to provide education to at least the standard required by law. We aim to provide the highest possible standards. 6.2 Organisation: We must reserve the right to organise the curriculum and its delivery in a way which, in the professional judgement of the Master, is most appropriate to the College community as a whole. Our policy on setting and class sizes may change from year to year and from time to time and will depend mainly on the mixture of abilities and aptitudes among the pupils and may take into account management of friendship groups. Reasonable changes may be made to the pastoral and disciplinary framework, to the College day and terms, to the curriculum, to the public examinations offered and the subjects for such examinations, to the sports and co- curricular provision and to the premises. If the Parents have specific requirements or concerns about any aspect of the Pupil’s education or progress they should contact the Pupil’s Form Tutor or Head of School. 6.3 Progress Reports: The College monitors the progress of each pupil and reports regularly to parents by means of grades, written reports and parents evenings. 6.4 Personal, Social and Health Education: All pupils will receive health and life skills education (including sex education) appropriate to their age in accordance with the curriculum from time to time. 6.5 Public Examinations: The Master may, after consultation with the Parents and the Pupil, decline to enter the Pupil’s name for a public examination if, in the exercise of professional judgement, the Master considers that: (i) by doing so the Pupil’s prospects in other examinations would be impaired; or (ii) the Pupil has not worked or revised in accordance with advice or instruction from the College’s staff.
6.6 Reports and References: Information supplied to the Parents and others concerning the progress and character of the Pupil and any references will be given conscientiously and with all reasonable care but otherwise without liability on the part of the College. 6.7 Universities, Career advice etc: The College will exercise all reasonable care when providing advice about subject choices, higher education and careers. The Parents acknowledge that they have a responsibility to carry out their own research and provide advice to the Pupil on such issues and agree to discuss with the College in advance any concerns that they may have regarding any applications that the Pupil proposes to make. 6.8 Learning Difficulties: The College is not qualified to make a medical diagnosis of conditions that affect learning (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia and Asperger’s syndrome). The screening tests available to schools are indicative only and are fallible. The Parents will be notified if a screening test indicates that the Pupil may have a learning difficulty. A formal assessment may be arranged by the Parents themselves at their own expense. The Parents must notify the Master in writing if they are aware or suspect that the Pupil may have a learning difficulty and they must provide the College with copies of all written reports and other relevant information. The College will then consider what further action (if any) should be taken. 6.9 Intellectual Property: (i) The College reserves all intellectual property rights (including copyright, design right, registered design, patent or trademarks) in any work carried out by the Pupil in conjunction with any member of staff and/or other pupils at the College for a purpose associated with the College. The College will acknowledge the Pupil’s role in the creation and/or development of such intellectual property rights, where appropriate. (ii) Subject to sub-paragraph (i), copyright in the Pupil’s original work, such as classroom work, prep or homework, projects, internal examination scripts, paintings and computer- generated material, belongs to the Pupil. Most such work (but not examination scripts) will be returned to the Pupil when it is no longer required for the purposes of assessment or display. The Parents consent for themselves and (so far as they are entitled to do so) on behalf of the Pupil, to our retaining such work at College premises until, in our professional judgement, it is appropriate to release the work to the Pupil. Certain coursework may have to be retained for longer than other work in order to comply with examination board requirements. We will take reasonable care to preserve the Pupil’s work but cannot accept liability for loss or damage caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control. 6.10 College Trips: The Pupil will be able to participate in a variety of College trips and educational visits whilst at the College. The cost of some College trips and visits will be charged as an extra. College trips abroad or those in the United Kingdom involving an overnight stay will be the subject of a separate agreement with the Parents. The cost of the trip will be payable in advance. The Pupil is subject to College discipline in all respects whilst engaged in a College trip. All additional costs of special measures (such as medical costs, taxis, air fares, or professional advice) necessary to protect the Pupil’s safety and welfare, or to respond to breaches of discipline, will be charged as an extra. The College will do all that is reasonable to ensure that the Pupil is appropriately supervised, according to his age and maturity. 2.8 2.9 1. Introduction 1.1 1.2 2. Terminology 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
These terms and conditions reflect the custom and pr of independent schools for many generations and are intended to promote the education and welfare of eac pupil and the stability, forward-planning, proper resou and development of the College.Together with any lett offer and any acceptance form signed by the Parents, terms and conditions form the legally-binding contrac educational services made between the Parents and t College in relation to the Pupil (“the Parent Contract”) We ask the Parents to read these terms and condition carefully and in particular draw your attention to the provisions of paragraphs 2.14, 8, 9 and 10. If you have queries regarding these terms and conditions please the Clerk to Governors, Dulwich College, Dulwich Com London SE21 7LD. “acceptance form” means the document produced by College which (o ce signed) confirms acceptance of th College’s offer of a lace at the College for the Pupil. “admission” occurs when Parents accept the offer of a place. “the College” , “we” and “us” mean Dulwich College a now or in the future constituted.The College is a regis charity. “entry” is the date when the P pil attends the College th first time pursuant to the Parent Contract. “permanently exclude” means that the Pupil has bee expelled from the College or otherwise required to lea the College. “Fee” and “Fees” where used in these terms and con include each of the following charges where applicabl registration fee; (ii) acceptance deposit; (iii) boarding d (iv) tuition fees; (v) boarding fees; (vi) fees for extra tuit (vii) examination fees; (viii) any fees payable in respect of the coach service; (ix) ot er extras such as boarding house cha ges, charges in r spect of clothing, equipm photographs and other items rd r d by the Parents o Pupil a d cha g s a ising in resp ct of visits, tours, tr d outings; (x) expens s incurred by the College in h the Pupil to apply for a visa to study in the United King (xi) compensation for wilful loss of or damage to prope belonging to any person by the Pupil; and (xii) late pay charges, if incurred (including interest). “Fees in lieu of notice” means Fees in full for the term notice at the rate that would have applied had the Pup attended the College that term (limited to the parenta contribution in the case of a scholarship or bursary). “Board of Governors” and “Governors” mean the governing body of the College, who are charity trustee responsible for the governance of the College.
“Head f School” me ns one of the following: the Hea the Junior School, th Head of the Lower School, the H of the Middle School and the Head of the Upper Schoo 2.10 “the Master” means the person who has overall execu responsibility for the running of the College and that
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