Dulwich College Standard Terms and Conditions

Dulwich College - Standard Terms and Conditions

circumstances, the acceptance deposit will be credited to the Parents’ account. 9.5 T he charge to Fees in lieu of notice in paragraphs 9.2 and 9.4 above is necessary to promote stability, to enable the College to plan its staffing and other requirements and to enable the College to maintain its academic and co- curricular standards. Cases involving serious hardship will receive special consideration on written request and provided the Parents provide full disclosure of their financial circumstances. 9.6 W here reasonably practicable, the Parents will consult with the Pupil’s Head of School before giving notice to withdraw the Pupil from the College. 9.7 If the Pupil is aged 16 or more, his decision to withdraw from the College shall, for the purposes of the Parent Contract, be treated as a withdrawal by the Parents. 9.8 If the Pupil is suspended from the College for 14 consecutive days by reason of non-payment of Fees by the Parents, he will be deemed to have been withdrawn by the Parents (without notice) on the expiry of that 14 day period, unless the College agrees otherwise. In these circumstances, a term’s Fees in lieu of notice will be payable by the Parents. 10. Termination by the College 10.1 T he College may permanently exclude the Pupil by giving the Parents a term’s notice at any time. The Pupil must leave the College on expiry of the notice. The College will give the reason(s) for its decision. 10.2 T he College may permanently exclude the Pupil at the end of a term if the Master is of the opinion that the conduct or progress of the Pupil has been unsatisfactory or that the Pupil is unwilling or unable to profit sufficiently from the educational opportunities offered by the College. The Master shall act with procedural fairness in such cases and shall have regard to the interests of the Pupil as well as those of the College. 10.3 T he College may permanently exclude the Pupil from the College on immediate notice if the Master concludes that the Pupil has committed a serious act of misconduct or a series of acts of misconduct which together amount to serious misconduct (which in either case may include behaviour outside school). The Master shall act with procedural fairness in such cases and shall have regard to the interests of the Pupil, the College, its staff and other pupils (as appropriate). 10.4 T he College may permanently exclude the Pupil from the College on immediate notice if the Parents commit a material breach of their obligations under the Parent Contract. For these purposes a failure of the Parents to pay Fees on time and to remedy that breach within 14 days shall be considered a material breach. 10.5 If the College permanently excludes the Pupil, matters concerning the Pupil’s leaving status will be discussed by the Master with the Parents and (where appropriate) the Pupil at the time. These include the transfer of the Pupil’s work to another educational establishment, the nature of the reference which will be given in respect of the Pupil and the financial aspects of the Pupil’s leaving. 10.6 T he College will not permanently exclude the Pupil without good cause.

10.7 If the Parents wish to complain about the College’s decision permanently to exclude the Pupil they may bring a formal complaint under the College’s complaints procedure (available on the College’s website or from the Clerk to Governors).

1. Introduction 1.1

These terms and conditions reflect the custom and pr of independent schools for many generations and are intended to promote the education and welfare of eac pupil nd th stability, forw rd-planning, proper resou and development of the College.Together with any lett offer and any acceptance form signed by the Parents, terms and conditions form the legally-binding contrac educational services made between the Parents and t College in relation to the Pupil (“the Parent Contract”) We ask the Parents to read these terms and condition carefully and in particular draw your attention to the provisions of paragraphs 2.14, 8, 9 and 10. If you have queries regarding these terms and conditions please the Clerk to Governors, Dulwich College, Dulwich Com London SE21 7LD. “acceptance form” means the doc ment produced by College which (once signed) confirms acceptance of th College’s offer of a place at the College for the Pupil. “admission” occurs when Parents accept the offer of a place. “the Colleg ” , “we” and “us” mean Dulwich College a now or in the future constituted.The College is a regis charity. “entry” is the date when the Pupil attends the College the first time pursuant to the Parent Contract. “permanently exclude” means that the Pupil has bee expelled from the College or otherwise required to lea the College. “Fee” and “Fees” where used in these terms and con includ ac of th following charg s where applicabl registr tio fee; (ii) accepta ce deposit; (iii) boarding d (iv) tuition fees; (v) boarding fees; (vi) fees for extra tuit (vii) examination fees; (viii) any f es p yable in respect of the coach service; (ix) other extras such as boarding h use charg s, charg s n respe t of cl thing, equipm photogra hs and other items ordered by the Parents o Pupil and arges rising in respect of visits, tours, tr and outings; (x) expenses in urred by the College in h th Pupil to apply for a visa to study in the United King (xi) compensation for wilful loss of or damage to prope belonging to any person by the Pupil; and (xii) late pay charges, if incurred (incl d ng interest). “Fees in lieu of notice” means Fees in full for the term notice at the rate that would have applied had the Pup attended the College that term (limited to the parenta contribution in the case of a scholarship or bursary). “Board of Governors” and “Governors” mean the governing body of the College, who are charity trustee responsible for the governance of the College.

11. Fees

11.1 Accrual: Each term’s Fees accrue separately and the fees payable in respect of each term will be included in an invoice sent to the persons who signed the Acceptance Form or such other person(s) who from time to time are contractually liable to the College in respect of the fees. 11.2  Payment: Subject to paragraph 3.4 (relating to new boarders) fees are due and payable on the day before the first day of the College term to which they relate. If one or more items on the bill are under query, the balance of the bill must be paid. 11.3  Deemed payment: The Parents are not deemed to have paid a sum to the College until the College is in receipt of the cleared funds in its bank account. 11.4  Payment Method: Fees must be paid by direct debit unless none of the Parents lives in the United Kingdom or has an account with a bank or building society with offices in the United Kingdom, in which case Fees may be paid by bank transfer. Payment in cash or by cheque is not acceptable. Parents who are required to pay by direct debit must sign and return a duly completed direct debit mandate promptly upon the College’s request. 11.5  Joint & Several Liability: Each person who has signed the acceptance form is jointly and severally liable for the whole of the Fees. The persons who have signed the Acceptance Form remain liable to the College for the Fees, unless the College has expressly agreed in writing with the persons who have signed the Acceptance Form to look exclusively to any other person for payment of the Fees. 11.6  Warranty: The Parents believe they are able to pay the Fees and confirm that they are not in arrears in paying fees to any other school or educational establishment. The Parents must notify the College if they become aware of circumstances which may prevent them from promptly paying the Fees. The College reserves the right to carry out credit-reference checks in respect of the Parents (including by making enquiries of other schools) and the Parents agree to sign any documentation and give any consents required for this purpose. 11.7  Refund: Fees will not be refunded or waived: (a) for absence through sickness or injury; (b) if a pupil is released home after public examinations or otherwise before the normal end of term; or (c) if the College has to close for a period due to health risk, bad weather or any of the other circumstances mentioned in paragraph 4.23 (Force Majeure) . 11.8  Advance Payment of Fees Schemes: Schemes under which a lump sum prepayment is made by or on behalf of the Parents will be the subject of a separate contract which will provide, among other conditions for a minimum number of terms for such a scheme and a minimum lump sum and for a refund of the unused part of the prepayment in the event of the Pupil’s leaving earlier than expected. Fees in lieu of notice (where applicable) and any other sum due and owing to the College at that time will be deducted from the sum to be refunded. 2.9 1.2 2. Terminology 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8

“H d of School” means one of the following: the Hea th Junior School, the Head of the Lower School, the H of the Middle School and th Head of the Upper Schoo 2.10 “the Master” means the person who has overall execu responsibility for the running of the College and that

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