Dulwich College - Standard Terms and Conditions
11.9 Scholarships & Bursaries: Every scholarship, bursary or other award or concession is a privilege and is subject to the Pupil meeting the College’s high standards of attendance, diligence and behaviour and to the Parents’ treating the College and our staff reasonably. If the Parents apply for a bursary in respect of the Pupil, the Parents shall provide the College with full and accurate disclosure of their financial circumstances. Any specific terms on which such awards are offered and accepted will be notified to the Parents at the time of offer. 11.10 Fee Increases: Fees are normally reviewed once a year and may be increased by such amount as the College considers reasonable. Any increase in fees will usually be on a term’s notice. If less than a term’s notice is given by the College in respect of a tuition fee increase of greater than 8%, notice of withdrawal given by the Parents within 21 days after notice of the increase was received will not incur a term’s Fees in lieu of notice. These terms and conditions reflect the custom and practice of independent schools for many generations and are intended to promote the education and welfare of each pupil and the stability, forward-planning, proper resourcing and development of the College.Together with any letter of offer and any acceptance form signed by the Parents, these terms and conditions form the legally-binding contract for educational services made between the Parents and the College in relation to the Pupil (“the Parent Contract”). 11.11 Money Laundering: The College may be required in some circumstances to obtain satisfactory evidence of the identity of a person who is paying Fees. For the avoidance of doubt, the College cannot accept payment in cash. 11.12 Part Payment: Any sum tendered that is less than the sum due and owing may be accepted by the College on account only. 2. Terminology 2.1 “acceptance form” means the docume t produced by the College which (once signed) confirms acceptance of the College’s offer of a place at the College for the Pupil. 2.2 “admission” occurs when Parents accept the offer of a place. 1. Introduct on 1.1 1.2 We ask the Parents to read these terms and conditions car fully and in particular draw your att ntion to the provisions of paragraphs 2.14, 8, 9 and 10. If you have any queries regarding these terms and cond tio s please contact the Clerk to Governors, Dulwich College, Dulwich Common, London SE21 7LD.
Parents’ default and/or any action taken by the College to recover the debt from the Parents. 11.18 References etc: The College may withhold any information, character references or property while Fees are unpaid but will not do so in a way that would cause direct, identifiable and unfair prejudice to the legitimate interests of the Pupil. The College may inform another school or educational establishment if the Parents fail to pay any Fees within 14 days after the due date for payment. expression i lud s thos to whom any duties of the Master or the Governors hav be n delegated. 2.11 “the Parents” or “you” means any person who has signed the acceptance form and/or who has accepted responsibility for a child’s attendance at the College. 2.12 “the Pupil” is the child or person under the age of 18 named on the acceptance form. The age of the Pupil will be calculated in accordance with the College’s normal custom. 2.13 “suspension” means t a a pupil has been sent or released home for a limited period, either as a disciplinary sanction or pending the outcome of an investigation or by reason of non-payment of Fees. 2.14 A “term’s notice” means written notice given before the first day of a term and expiring at the end of that term. 2.15 “withdrawal” me ns that the Parents have withdrawn the Pupil from th College.
11.19 Third party credit provider: The College may enter into arrangements with a licensed credit provider (an “LCP”) in connection with the provision of facilities to parents to pay school fees by instalments. Under these arrangements an LCP may have rights to recover interest and other sums from the College (e.g. where parents do not keep up payments on credit agreements with an LCP). If the Parents enter into an agreement with an LCP and the College has to make any payments or otherwise incurs any liability as a result of a default by the Parents under that agreement, the Parents will remain fully liable for all fees payable to the College and will reimburse the College in respect of all losses and expenses that it reasonably suffers or incurs as a result. 12. General Contractual Matters Registration and Admission: Applicants will be considered as candidates for admission and entry to the College when the registration form has been completed and returned to us and the non-returnable registration fee paid. Admission will be subject to the availability of a place and the Pupil and the Parents satisfying the admission requirements at the time. 12.1 Compliance with the Parent Contract: The Parents are legally responsible, individually and jointly, for complying with their obligations under the Parent Contract. The College is entitled to treat any instruction, authority, request or prohibition received from any person who has signed the acceptance form in respect of the Pupil as having been given on behalf of both or all persons who have signed the acceptance form. Offer f a Place and Acceptance Deposit: An accept nce deposit of uch am unt as may from time to time b determine by the College will be payable when the Parents accept the off r of a place. Th acceptance deposit will be repaid by means of a credit without interest to the final payment of Fees or other sums due to the College when the Pup l l aves the College. Until credited, th acceptance deposit will for part of the general fu ds of the College. 12.2 Notices: All notices required to be given under the Parent Contract must be given in writing. The Parents must promptly notify the College of any change of address (whether postal or email) of any person who has signed the acceptance form. Notices will be sent by the College by post and/or email to the postal and/or email address shown in its records and (unless other arrangements are agreed between the Parents and the College) the College shall be entitled to treat any notice given by the College to any person who has signed the acceptance form in respect of the Pupil as having been given to both or all such persons. Notices that the Parents are required to give under the Parent Contract must be addressed to the Registrar of the College and sent by post and/or email. A notice sent to the Registrar by email must be sent to the Registrar’s email address shown on the College’s website. If sent by first class post, a notice shall be deemed to have been given on the second working day after posting. For these purposes “working day” means a day which is not a Saturday or Sunday, nor an English bank holiday. been given on the second working day after posting. For these purposes “working day” means a day which is not a Saturday or Sunday, nor an English bank holiday. 12.3 Legal Contract: The offer of a place and its acceptance by the Parents give rise to a legally binding contract between the College and the Parents. 12.4 Representations: Our prospectus and website describe the broad principles on which the College is presently run and gives an indication of our history and ethos. Although believed correct at the time of printing, the prospectus is not part of the Parent Contract. The Parents may not place Direct debit mandate: Except where none of the Parents lives in the United Kingdom or has an account with a bank or building society with offices in the United Kingdom: (i) the Pupil may not join the College until the Parents have returned to the College a duly completed direct debit mandate; and (ii) the Parents will sign and return a direct debit mandate promptly on the College’s request. Boarding Deposit: The College requires payment of a full term’s boarding Fees (in addition to the acceptance deposit) as a deposit in the case of a boarding pupil. The boarding deposit will be repaid by m ans of a credit on the invoice for the first term’s fees. (A boarding pupil’s acceptance deposit will b repaid in accordance with clause 3.2 above.) Meaning: Pastoral care is a theme that runs throughout all aspects of life at the College and is directed towards the happiness, success, safety and welfare of each pupil and the integrity of the College community. Equal Treatment: The College welcomes staff and children from many different ethnic groups, backgrounds and creeds. We make all adjustments that we reasonably can to accommodate the needs of children who have disabilities.
3. Admission and Entry to the College 3.1
11.13 Appropriation: The Parents agree that a payment made in respect of one child may be appropriated by the College to the unpaid account of any other child of the Parents. 11.14 Payment of Fees by a Third Party: An agreement with a third party (such as a grandparent or other relative) to pay 2.3 “the College” , “we” and “us” mean Dulwich College as now or in the future constituted.The College is a registered charity. 2.4
the Fees or any other sum due to the College does not release the Parents from liability if the third party defaults and does not affect the operation of any other of these terms and conditions unless an express release has been given in writing, signed by the College’s Director of Finance. The College reserves the right to refuse a payment from a third party. “entry” is the date when the Pupil attends the College for the first time pursuant to the Parent Contract. “perman ntly exclude” eans that the Pupil has been expell d fr m th College or otherwise required to leav by the College. “Fee” and “Fees” where used in these terms and conditions include each of the following charges where applicable: (i) registration fee; (ii) acceptance deposit; (iii) boarding deposit; (iv) tuition fees; (v) boarding fees; (vi) fees for extra tuition;
11.15 Late Payment Charges: An administration charge of 1% will be added to the balance of Fees not paid on the first day of term. This charge will be applied to any unpaid balance of Fees (including fees that the Parents have arranged to pay by instalments). In addition, interest may be charged by the College on a day-to-day basis on Fees which are not paid on the due date for payment until payment in full. The maximum rate of interest that the College may charge will be 1.25% per calendar month. 11.16 Suspension and then deemed withdrawal for non- payment: The College reserves the right to suspend the (vii) examination fees; (viii) any fees payable in respect of the coach service; (ix) other extras such as boarding house charges, charges in respect of clothing, equipment, photographs and other ite s ordered by the Parents or the Pupil and charges arising in respect of visits, tours, trips and outings; (x) expenses incurred by the College in helping the Pupil to apply for a visa to study in the United Kingdom; (xi) compensation for wilful loss of or damage to property belonging to any person by the Pupil; and (xii) late payment charges, if incurred (including interest). “Fees in lieu of notice” means Fees in full for the term of notice at the rate that would have applied had the Pupil attended the College that term (limited to the parental contribution in the case of a scholarship or bursary). 2.7
Pupil while Fees remain unpaid by giving the Parents not less than two days’ written notice. Whilst the Pupil is suspended: (a) the Parents shall ensure that he is appropriately supervised and does not come into College; and (b) the College shall have no obligation to provide the Pupil with any teaching or other support. If the Pupil is suspended for 14 consecutive days by reason of non- payment of Fees, he will (unless the College agrees otherwise) be deemed to have been withdrawn by the Parents without notice (see paragraph 9.8 above). “Board of Governor ” nd “Govern rs” mean the governing body of th Colle e, who are charity trustees and responsible for the governance of the College.
4. Pastoral Care 4.1
11.17 Debt Recovery Costs: If the Parents fail to pay any sum due to the College on or before the due date for payment, the Parents shall (on demand) reimburse the College in respect of any reasonable costs and expenses (including legal fees) that the College incurs as a result of the “Head of School” means one of the following: the Head of the Junior School, the Head of the Lower School, the Head of the Middle School and the Head of the Upper School. 2.10 “the Master” means the person who has overall executive responsibility for the running of the College and that 2.9
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