Preston College Further Education Prospectus 2025-26


EVERY LESSON MATTERS Our ambition is that every learner attends every lesson, though we do recognise that sometimes attendance can be impacted by a range of factors. We will monitor your performance closely throughout your programme, and will celebrate positive attendance whilst also supporting and intervening if your attendance ever falls below expectation and becomes a concern. SAFEGUARDING PROCEDURES Preston College recognises that its staff have a legal and moral duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of learners and to provide a safe and secure environment in which they can study and achieve their potential. This includes our obligation under the Prevent Duty (Sept 2015) to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. The College has a Safeguarding and Prevent Policy, together with a comprehensive set of guidelines, which outline how we will fulfil this duty and ensure that the welfare of the young person is always placed at the centre of our activities. A copy of the current policy and procedures is available on the College website . EQUITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION Preston College is proud of the inclusive nature of its intake, which reflects the city’s growing diversity and population. We celebrate and support diversity and do not discriminate against any group. For more information on our policies please visit . A TRAUMA INFORMED APPROACH As a member of the Lancashire Colleges group we have made a commitment to embed Trauma Informed principles and practices into our college. Trauma is an emotional response to an overwhelmingly painful and

stressful event. This can either be by experiencing threat or danger to yourself, or by witnessing it happening to others. All College staff are required to undertake training to gain an understanding of the impact of trauma on brain development and how this may affect an individual’s ability to learn.

Being Trauma Informed involves a commitment to:

• Respect and value every individual • Understand behaviour as a means of communication and to develop approaches to address the underlying needs • Adapt policies and procedures to ensure that the language used reflects trauma informed principles • Understand that strong relationships are essential to supporting strong learning • Provide a place of safety for all learners through demonstrating consistency, predictable routines and support strategies in our learning environment. DISCLOSURE The details in this prospectus were correct at the time of print. Preston College, however, reserves the right to alter the information contained in this publication. Classes will run subject to sufficient numbers. This publication is available in large print, Braille, audio or other languages upon request. If you know of someone who would like to study a course at Preston College but their first language is not English, please contact the Advice Centre on 01772 225522 for them to discuss the options available. CAREER SPOTLIGHT INFORMATION Figures and salary information has been gathered from Careers Coach and the National Careers Service, and is correct as of August 2024.

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