2019: A GOOD YEAR FOR FTTH 2019 was indeed a good year for FTTH rollouts, both in terms of the number of connections made and investment in future access network expansion plans. Here we take a look at selected European countries and their progress – or lack of – towards full fibre broadband for everyone.
A t the beginning of the year, the Market Panorama and forecast data prepared by IDATE for the FTTH Conference 2019, showed that FTTH/B was growing fast in Europe. The report revealed that by September 2018, there were more than 59.6 million FTTH/B subscribers in the European region, an increase of 21%, with overall coverage reaching 36.4%. While Italy had the higher growth in homes passed at 43.1%, for the first time, the UK entered the ranking. The report found that the number of FTTH/B subscribers increased by 15.7% in the top 39 European countries since September 2017 with more than 59.6 million FTTH/B subscribers in September 2018. Although Russia , which is included in the group, leads in terms of FTTH/B subscribers in the European region, it has showed a lower growth rate compared to other European countries which are catching up quickly with a 21% growth rate. In addition, the deployment of both FTTH and FTTB networks has increased significantly, according to IDATE. It found that by September 2018 the estimated coverage of FTTH/B
reached 46.4% in the 39 group and 36.4% in EU282, which does not include countries such as Russia. This, said IDATE, shows a clear upward trend from
September 2015 where the estimated coverage rate was 39% in the EU39 and 27.2% in the EU28. Read the full story here .
Source: IDATE
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