MONTH & YEAR Always capitalize and spell out (whenever possible) : January, February, March, April, etc. When needed, accepted abbreviations: Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. DO NOT abbreviate: March, April, May, June, July
HEADLINES All headlines and subheads should use sentence capitalization rules and end with the proper punctuation. Brochures and other patient- facing materials that use only the name of a disease or service line should be rewritten to follow The Power of Together guidelines. For signage, follow signage guidelines. QUOTATIONS Run-in Quotations Run-in quotations are three lines or shorter and they are formatted the same as the surrounding text, with quotation marks: “I am proud to welcome you to this momentous occasion.” Block Quotations Block quotations are longer than three lines and are separated from the surrounding text. They should appear as a separate paragraph (or series of paragraphs), with increased indenting and line spacing, with quotation marks, and in a brand font that is larger and different from surrounding text: “Today, digital cameras have practically taken over photography. As Johnson explained, digital cameras now make up 90 percent of all camera sales at the leading electronic stores. This increase in sales can be partially attributed to the widespread use of email and social networking, which has encouraged the sharing of digital photos.“ — John Doe NUMBERS Spell out numbers one through nine and any number that begins a sentence. Always use numerals for people’s ages and in headlines. John took six steps at physical therapy today. Seventy people showed up for the seminar. There are 12 months in the year. Numerals of 1,000 and above use commas in the appropriate places, except for temperatures and years. Rochester Regional Health has more than 17,000 employees. The boiling point of uranium is 3818°C. She plans to retire in 2018.
When using a month and year, do not use a comma: January 2014 When referring to a group of years, the following are acceptable: the 1990s , the ‘90s (not the 1990’s or the 90’s) DAYS OF THE WEEK Always capitalize and spell out: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc. Only abbreviate when there isn’t enough space, use three letters and add periods: Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. DATES • Numbers only: January 1 is the beginning of the year. (not January 1st is the beginning of the year.) • DO NOT use “th” on dates (such as May 18th). > Use : May 18, 2018 • When there are two events in one month, use “and” to separate them and place the year after the second date. > Use : May 18 and May 20, 2018 TIME In body copy use the full time and lowercase day/evening designations without periods: 9 am, 2:30 pm For time in graphically treated headlines or call outs use the full time with day/evening designations adhering to the type style, and with no periods: 9 am, 2:30 pm When referring to a span of time, use the full time separated
by an En dash: 9 am – 11 am; 2:20 pm – 3:30 pm Always use figures except for noon and midnight.
Creating an En Dash: MAC: hold down the Option key and press the Minus key PC: Press Ctrl+Alt+Minus Symbol
WORD: Insert > Advanced Symbol > Special Characters > select N Dash INDD: Type > Insert Special Character > Hyphens and Dashes > En Dash
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