RFO Outline & Impact
The IP Cortex Keevio Desktop App stopped playing audio on inbound and outbound calls from around 0845 on 24 th May 2024. 1018 Customers may have been affected.
Aerial Direct Ticket Reference T20240524.0096
Timeline from Friday 24 th May 2024
Multiple reports of no audio on inbound and outbound calls using Keevio Desktop. Major Service Outage ticket raised by Aerial. IP Cortex engaged to look at the issue. Aerial assesses the impact to their Keevio Desktop users. Aerial Engineers are also assisting IP Cortex Engineers both start working together to establish the root cause and to find a fix.
Major Service Outage update 1 sent to 1018 affected Customers.
Major Service Outage update 2 sent to 1018 affected Customers.
Troubleshooting continues. Engineers on both sides continue to try and find the root cause of the issue.
Major Service Outage update 3 sent to 1018 affected Customers.
Aerial is advised that other Channel Partners of IP Cortex are experiencing issues with Keevio Desktop also. This gives confidence that Aerial kit is not at fault. The Aerial Direct Engineers suggest the STUN server is at fault. Investigations begin. Aerial asks IPC to check their STUN server details and functions are sound.
Troubleshooting continues. Engineers on both sides continue to try and find the root cause of the issue.
Keevio Mobile App is offered as a work around. This is offered on an FOC basis.
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