T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
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Kay, 1940
face all aglow with eagerness, Johnnie exclaimed, "Oh, Mrs. Brown, how did you ever get close enough to Jesus 'to take His picture? I’ve been wanting to see Him all my life.” Of course, boys and girls, you know that this was not a really, truly pic ture of the Lord Jesus but Just an ar tist’s picture. No one living in the world today really knows how Jesus Christ looked when He was on earth. But the desire of Johnnie to see the wonderful face of the Lord Jesus is the desire, I trust, of each of you. David, the poet who wrote so many of the beautiful Psalms, had this same great desire, for we read in Psalm 27:4: “One thing have I desired . . . to be hold the beauty of the Lord,” Only those who have accepted the Lord Jesus as Saviour and have had all of their sins washed away are to have this great and wonderful privi lege of some day seeing His ‘face. Wouldn’t you like to be sure that some day you are to see the One who loves you so very much and who said one day when He was here upon earth, “Suffer little children . . . to come unto me" (Matt. 19:14)? If you truly de sire to see Him, then accept the Lord Jesus as your own Saviour today. "For Go(J so -loved the world [This means you. Write your own name here.], that he gave his only begotten Son [gave Him to die on the cross for you], that whosoever [which includes-, you] believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). —M. S. H. Memory Work: The Christian’s Beauty C hristian L ife S eries * Discussion: The world’s standard of beauty is outward, but a Christian’s beauty comes from within. The world places value upon natural beauty and the outward adbmment, but » a Christian realizes that her beauty comes from Him, the altogether lovely One. Question: Describe the beauty of the “King’s daughter.” Answer: “The King’s daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold” (Psa. 45:13). Question: How may one beeome radiant ? Answer: “They looked unto him, and were radiant; And their faces shall never to be confounded” (Psa. 34:5, R.V.). Question: How may one become “changed,” or transformed? Answer: “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Cor. 3:18). *For a complete list of Scriptures for memory work in the Christian Life Series, see previous copies of T he K ing ' s B usiness .
“We’re going to care for sick chil dren— “We’re going across the ocean to build a church and help teach the poor natives— “And we’re going to China to buy Bibles,” cried different groups. The pilot asked the penny Johnny had given back to God, “How would you like to go to India to pay for the story of Jesus to be given to the head man o f a village ?” “I ‘ Should like it,” smiled the penny. And Johnny said he thought it would be grand. “Come with us,” called God’s pen nies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars. “Yes, come; I’ll bring you back home with me,” urged the pilot. So be fore Johnny Which really knew what had happened, he with the pieces of God’s money was flying through the •ir. In India, as Johnny said good-bye to the penny he had given for God’s work, Ihe penny whispered, “I am glad you listened to Conscience, for I would father be here than to have had to buy a grinning little monkey for you and Prince.” On the way back to America- there was a storm—a terrible s t o r m . Johnny and the pilot were very much frightened. I “Hold on to your seat,” yelled the pilot. “I am holding on,” answered Johnny just as his head hit something—and he woke up. He looked around the room. Yes, it had been a dream, but the very best sort of dream! As soon as his grandparents were awake, Johnny ran to tell them of his dream, and to ask whether he could clean other chicken houses, or cut the grass, or wash dishes, or sweep— or most anything to earn a quarter to put with the dime he still had in the drawer, so he could help God’s work. He added, “It is more fun to spend money for Jesus’ sake than it is to eat elephants, camels, bears, and long- legged, pop-eyed frogs.” [Th e End] [Copies of the story of " Johnny Which “ including both Parts I and j f ) can be secured in leaflet form at >5 cents each, 12 for 40 cents, from Airs. Alverta N . Dundas, 331 N . Are. 66, Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Dundas has written also a booklet, “ God An swers Prayer” (10 cents per copy) and the leaflet, “ Encouragement” (12 for 10 cents) .— E ditor .] Johnnie’s Great Desire Johnnie, age eight, was visiting in a home in an eastern state. One day he was sent into his hostess’ room on an errand, and there on her dresser, he saw a picture of the Lord Jesus as an artist had thought Jesus might have looked. Bushing out of the room, his
Answers to Last Month’s “Bible Arithmetic”
Answer worked out: 12 (Matt. 10:1) x 16 = 192 - 153 (John 21:11) = 39 - S- 3 (Jonah 1:17) = 13+5 (1 Sam. 17:40) = 18-5-9 (Lk. 17:17, 18) = 2 (John 2:1-11). AHWAHNEE, CALIF.: Jake Bryan: Geraldine and Johnny Jacobs; Raym ond and R osem ary Pippin (Mrs. Donald E.. Fleutge, leader). ASHBY, NEB.: Gene and Maurice H eb- bert; EWa K eyes (Mrs. R alph Ostraqder, ' BEAUTY, K Y .: Pauline B olash; Ruth B ooth; Ida Jane and Thressie K irk ; R ose mary K ablash; Emma Perham ; Muriel P riest (R ose Lee Barr, leader). CLYDE, O.: B arbara and Lenore D avis; W endell F elshaw ; Dohald H avice; Helen and V irgin ia H eim baugh; Mae Joanne Jennings; R ichard K en t; Marian Snyder; R obert and Stanley Stokes; Barbara, Betty, and Thelma R ay (Mrs. C. L. F el shaw, superintendent). DALLAS, ORE.: Daniel Heinrichs. DIAGONAL, IA .: Pferry Johnston (D or othy Jessup, leader). GREENVILLE, S. C.: Patsy Luben; Frances McCall (B. Norris, leader)., HAZEL VALLEY, A R K .: Mary Jo B row n; D ona Jo D ennis; Martha Evans; Hazel Colleene, and Mary G randstaff; B etty Jo H atfield; John W illiam and Leonard A. Jones, Jr.; E llen and Helen O’Neil; Joseph R itch ie; Gwendolyn, Max ine, and V iola Shakelford; James A llen W ilson (Mrs. F loyd W . Parker, leader). LANGDON, N. DAK .: Manley W . K rad- ovill. LOS ANGELES, CALIF.: Helen and L il lian A llen; A lice B row n; Kei^peth Henon; H arold March £3$ula Mae B eggerly, lead er). M arjorie Peverly. MYRA, K Y .: Grace, Naomi, Thelma, Tivis, and W endell Newsom e; Lonnie R obinson (R uth E rickson, leader). OCEANSIDE, CALIF.: Phillip L aw a- rence;; James M acD onald; R aym ond and R obert Snyder (J. E. Snyder, teacher). i PASADENA, CALIF.: M argaret Louise Smith. REEDLEY, CALIF.: Bessie and R osie Chung; George H agen; R uby Sakamoto; K iyosh i W atari (Mrs. W . D. W ieb e,f leader). Lucille A lvis; Eunice and E velyn B randt; A rlie D illon; Clara F riesen; V ir ginia vH einrichs; Lena Jenzen; Rubena N achtigal; Y vonne Owens; M arjorie Un- ruh; LaV era W iens (R osella Thiesen, leader). SANTA CRUZ, CA LIF .: Eileen, Lucille, and Lura F lock ; Gordon, M a ry la n d Ra chel Morse (Mrs. Wm . M ontgom ery, teacher) • SANTA ROSA, C A U p .: B arbara Purdy; Frances W ilson (Mrs. E sther V. Meeker, SHELBY, O.: R ichard Seitz; B illy S tick- ney (Mrs. W . L. Peters, leader). TOPEKA, KANS.: Carolyn C rooks; D or othy Dean; M argaret Hampson; Gene and. Gladys L ew is; N ellie Martin (B etty Dean, lead er)» ZAMBOANGA, PH ILIPPINE ISLANDS: Enis E nriquez; A rlene F aith Hess (R . R. Hess, leader). How to Join the K. Y. B. Club T o becom e a m ember o f the K n ow Y our B ible Club, read through the Gospel ac cording to John, using either your own B ible or a Gospel of John which w ill be sent upon request. W hen the Gospel has been read, and a statement to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday-school teacher, has been sent to the E ditor of the Junior K in g ’s Business, a K. Y. B. C» pin w ill be mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desirin g to order ten or m ore Gospels or pins m ay w ish to share the cost o f these supplies, as the L ord directs t ’ Gospels, postpaid, fiv e cents each—-in quantity, three cen ts; pins, w ithout postage, tw o cents each. H ow ever, no one is to do w ithout a Gospel or pin because o f lack o f m oney. Address t Junior K in g’s Busi ness, 558 S. H ope St., L os Angeles, ' Calif,
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