King's Business - 1940-05

I - i rt us tell you how you may have Protection in Old Age Freedom from Worry A Steady Income

Permanent Satisfaction

in, the check that comes regularly to you as a holder o f an Annuity Agreement o f the American Bible Society.

Such checks have been issued regularly for over 9 0 years . . . help­ ing to bring security and satisfaction in spite o f disturbing and perplex­ ing world conditions. In addition there’ s the fine satisfaction o f taking part in the sig­ nificant work of making the Bible more and more widely available throughout the world. * Am erican B ib le S ociety , B ib le H ou se , New Y o r k , N. Y . 1 ' . ; ■ | Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-96 entitled “ A G ift That Lives.” I I Name ........ .......................__ ____ _____ _____________ Denomination ....... ...................... -......... 1 I Address ..................... ____________ ... ............ ............— .................. -..........-,— . . AN INCOME:ASSURED M A I L T H I S C O U P O N T O D A Y

The booklet . . . “ A Gift That Lives” . . . ex­ plains the plan, and tells you how you may avail yourself of its advan- ■ tages both to yourself and to the indispensable Christian m i n i s t r y it




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