May, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
PINK PREACHERS Both Pink and “ punk” preachers come under the spotlight of MAY issue of PROPHECY—those who preach Socialism and those who have only “ a ghost of a God” to talk about. Olie of PROPHECY’S strongest numbers! “ Evangelize to Bring the King” ; “ Blood and Soil Theory for Palestine” ; “ The Jews and the News” ; “ What' Poland’s Defeat Means” ;—many other topics going to the heart of things. If you can’t spend $1 for a year’s sub scription, be sure to dig up a dime for this issue. With this ad and $1 for year, a FREE 20c book of great' value, “ This Much I KNOW!” PROPHECY MONTHLY Box BB, Sta. E. R. Los Angeles, Cal*
to suppose, however, that any failure of the watchman will help them. Whether the watchman speaks or whether he is silent, those who go on sinning will die. This passage should teach us some thing about the heathen who have never heard the gospel. It has been suggested that no man is lost until he has heard the gospel and has re jected it. But this is to forget that men are lost before they hear the gos pel, also that the very privilege of hearing the gospel is a matter of grace. Men are lost because they have sinned, and td such God owes nothing. If God had let the whole world perish with out hearing the gospel, He would have been perfectly just. God is not bound by any obligation of justice to set watchmen on the wall to warn sinners about the wages of sin. If there are such watchmen whose warnings have turned us from the way of destruction, it is a matter of grace. To understand this will keep us very humble. 2. “If he trust to his own righteous ness, and commit iniquity, all his right eousnesses shall not be remembered; . . . he shall die” (v. 13). In this verse we have a gleam of grace in the midst of the awful severity of the moral law. Throughout the passage, the majesty of the divine law is maintained inflex ibly. To fail just once will cancel all previous efforts for righteousness, “if he trust to his own righteousness.” In this “if” there is a gleam of grace, a sug gestion of a better way. Thank God, in the day of our failure, we need not trust in ourselves. We can put our trust in our blessed Lord and in the right eousness that He wrought at Calvary. The way of the Lord is more than “equal” (v. 17). Actually it is weighted heavily on the side of mercy. Golden Text Illustration R omans 14:12 A lesson in artistic and commercial honesty comes from Japan, from one whom you would be quick to call a hea then. An English merchant interviewed Oka, the great modem Japanese carver of Ivories, and said to him: “Why do you waste your time in carving the under part, which is never seen? You could make money far more rapidly if you were to leave that part plain.” The carver’s answer would be worthy of a Christian: “God, who gave me skill and taste, can see the under part. I dare not leave it uncarved.”—The Bottles of Heaven, by Revilo. The Father Who Understands E zekiel 33:1-20 MEMORY VERSE: “The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7). APPROACH: If we were asked who
the person is who takes care of our need for a home and for food and for
good h a b i t s—the one who is always concerned that we shall not do wrong things—probably all of us would say, “Why, of c o u r s e , it’s Father!” Yes, our fathers are in a s e n s e watchmen, looking out for our
good all the time. Because we know that, it will be easier fo f us to under stand what Ezekiel’s work was, the man to whom God said, “I have set thee a watchman to the house, of Israel” (v. 7). We all know that a watchman is one who gives warning when it is needed. Certain kinds of watchmen go on regular trips, all night, watching for fires or for places where burglars might enter, and when they discover trouble, they give an alarm. Ezekiel was to do something like that. What were the rules he was to follow in his work as a watchman? LESSON STORY: First of all, he was to be fearless. The people had sinned, and God said to His prophet something like this: “Ezekiel, you must show the people how terrible sin is. Even if they will not listen to you, you must tell them. And, Ezekiel, if you do not do your part in warning, them, you will be the one who is to blame. Think about that.” Then, as the Lord’s watchman, Ezekiel was to tell the people of the love of God, and how He always was saying to them, “Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?” (v. 11).
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