May, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
is," they obeyed His voice; they had that sdrt of faith which believes His promises and obeys His precepts—the only faith that is worth while (cf. Gen. 22:12; Phil. 2:12). Second, they spoke of the Lord; He was the subject of their conversation. That which was uppermost in their hearts found ex-, pression in their spontaneous speech. Third, they thought upon His name— His name standing for all that He is in Himself. Thus they were the Lord’s delight, and He had them in remem brance. in. T he L ord ' s T reasure - ( 17, 18) They were the Lord’s peculiar treas ure (cf. R. V.), His jewels, His glori ous adornment. Jewels have but one- function, to catch and to Reflect the light in such a manner as to create beauty. Christians likewise are the Lord’s jewels, whose purpose is to shine for Him in the midst of the world's darkness (cf. Phil. 2:15, 16). We are to see to it, as we study this lesson, that we become the Lord’s de light and treasure by the way we live and serve, so that His complaints shall not become applicable to us. Points and Problems 1. “But ye say” (Mai. 3:8). These words sound the keynote of the entire Book of Malachi. The phrase or its equivalent occurs seven times; preface
turn to them if they would return to Him. The very declaration of such a promise as .this should have let them know that they- had departed from Him, but they a n s w e r e d merely, “Wherein . t They had robbed God (vs. 8-12). He owned everything they had; the tithes were only the acknowledgment of that Ownership. But when accused of keep ing back the tithes, they repiied, “Wherein'have we robbed thee?” By this question they realty accused God pf charging them unjustly, and so brought a curse upon themselves. But again He gave. them a gracious prom ise if th^y would hearken 1 and obey (vs. 10-12). When His storehouse re ceived the whole tithe (cf. R. V.) , then their houses would overflow with blessings too numerous for them to contain.} "Prove me now herewith,” He said. In other wokls, He was saying, “Put me to the test, and see whether you will put be blessed in your per sonal, business, and national life.” God was in no need of their tithes. Had He chosen to do so, He easily could have commandeered all that they had. But He desired their hearts; the tithes Would be only, the proof that their hearts were right with Him.' : They had defamed Him and His name (cf. vs. 13-15). Yet when the accusation . was made, they, again re plied, “What have we spokfen so much against thee?” (v. ,13). They had de- Present Bible truths to your boys end girls. EGERMEIER'S BIBLE STORY BOOK by ELSIE E. EGERMEIER The entire Bible is presented herein in chronological order, accurate in historical detail, and rich in appeal to all ages. Beautifully illustrated with over 200 actual photographs, color reproduc tions and drawings. Unusual -maps. Contains 234 stories. 645 pdges. Only ............................ . LCti ■'iiLCLjJO. $2«o
B LACKBOARD LESSON ’bRino UEflLL THE TITHES iflTOTHESTORE «OUStTHAT TOCfeCm«4 BE mEflT in minc house *«no prduc mt noui herewith , b SflltHTHELORDpF.HOST5,
IFIU3IIL(1QI OPtn JillnDOlUS OF HEflUEn.flfiDPOURyouOUT« BLESSinQ,T«flT THERESHALLfiOT'&EROOmEflOUSHTORECEIUEIT.’ dared that, it was useless to serve Him, and that there was no profit in obeying Him*. On the other hand, they declared that the prbud were to be congratulated, and that those who wrought wickedness and tempted God were the best off, becoming leaders and therefore being delivered. We might 'ask why God did not cast. them Off when they departed from Him. Why did He not force the tithes from them? Why did He not compel the people to serve Him? The answer to each of these questions is that God had deep interest in them, His -pur pose was involved in them, and His love for them Would not permit any other action than that which He took ■with them. rr, T r e c o r d ' s D elight (16) Three evidences, which ,delighted the Lord, characterized this group. First," these individuals feared the Lord, that # O bject« That T alk and Teach— T albot ........................................... .| .50 S Gospel Object B ook—W oolston $ .50 H eart-Reaching: Objects— Wilder ..• •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91.00 § 101 Bye-Catching; Objects— W ild er .......................... .....................$1.50 f Evangelistic Chalk Talks— M iller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .25 # F ifty Chalk T alk P rogram s— - BIxler . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . $ .5o # Junior W ork er’s H andbook. . . . $1.00 - • Junior T alks fo r Special Days w ith * Surprise Objects—W estphal . ..$1.50 £ F ifty Stories fo r the Bedtime Hour— Eggrleston . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.5o BOOKLETS % The P ocket Treasury . . . Choice chapters and Selections from , Gad’s 'W ord , F avorite Hymn«» etc. . .v-. . ; . . .y.V . ...........$ .05 0 B ible Helps fo r Little Children . . t Contains L ord’s Prayer» T en Com mandments, etc .. .............................$ .05 £ B ible T ru th s'. . .1 4 selected stories ....................................... $.06 $ A Guide to B ible Beauties 14 B ible selections ......................$ .06 £ G atew ay to K n ow ledge o f the B ible . . . .......................... $ This B ible o f Ours and H ow It Came to IJs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .15
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