May, 1940
T H E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S
same sin. in another. Jonah wanted to have Nineveh destroyed, lest Nineveh should destroy Israel; he could see one nation destroyed and his own pre served—yet both were guilty of the same sinfulness. In Jonah’s mind, the political aspect of the case was uppermost. In God’s mind, there was the moral aspect. Hence God would have mercy on any city or nation wherein was found true repentance of, and real turning from, sinfulness and rebellion. No national boundaries should be allowed to obscure the moral implications of any move ment. God has no favorites in the mat ter of righteousness, either among the nations or among individuals. God’s own people are as truly subject to judgment for their evil deeds as are those who make no profession of His name. Jonah needed to learn that it was the sinfulness of his own nation that allowed Nineveh to be a threat against her. He should have been more occupied in recalling his people to the Lord, than in desiring the destruction of the sup posed enemy. Points and Problems 1. “The word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time” (Jonah 3:1). Two things here are of interest: First, God is infinitely gracious even to His disobedient children. He not only speaks to us once of His will, but a “second time”—yes, and often a third and a fourth time. How can we ever measure the fullness of His long-suffering toward each of us? But in the second place, the verse teaches us that if God has spoken to one of His children, call ing him to some specific task— whether it be to teach a class in some Sunday-school or to witness for Him in some foreign land—if we say, “No” to His call and turn our back upon Him as Jonah did, then when He comes to us a second time, He will say exactly what He said the first time. This is clear from a comparison of 3:2 with the original call in 1:2. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance. We may change, but the will of God never changes. 2. “Nineveh, that great city” (3:2). This is not the language of exaggera tion. Nineveh was the great metropolis of the ancient world of that day. -Ac cording to Diodorus Siculus, the dimen sions were 150 stadia in length and 90 in breadth, or about 16 by 10 miles, and over 50 miles in circumference. 3. “ So the people of Nineveh believed in God” (v. 5). This, in my judgment, is the great miracle of the Book of Jonah. The whole city turned to God, from the. greatest to the least. Beside this, the miracle of the great fish becomes a small matter. And it is interesting to recall that our Lord Himself confirmed the truth of both miracles: “Jonas [Jonah] was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale [‘sea-
monster,’ R. V. margin],” He declared, and again, “The men of Nineveh . . . repented at the preaching of Jonas” (Matt. 12:40, 41). If the Lord of Glory believed these things, they should not stick in our throats, for the servant is not greater than his Lord. 4. “Then said the Lord, Thou hast had pity on the gourd” (4:10). No teacher can do justice to the story without teaching the omitted portion V I S U A L I Z E D HELP TO WIN and Girls for Christ Thousands of decisions reported by those who have used these lessons . Gospel o f John, 23 lessons, 134 cutouts, $1.50 A lso series o f lessons on Genesis, E gypt to Canaan, Foundation Wessons, and on old Hymns that children should know and love. A ll Visualized • Send fo r folder .Flannel background beautifully colored, $1.50 (Same as picture) P D R R Descriptive literature on How to Lead a m c c Child to Christ. Boys
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