May, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
evil way” (v. 8). Of course, the Lord was' merciful to them theh, as He al ways is when people are sorry for their sins and turn to Him. Many hundreds of people in Nineveh were spared pun ishment because, though Jonah was disobedient the first time, he was finally a faithful missionary.
(4:1-9). In a very real sense, every thing in the book is only an introduc tion to the last two verses which con tain the great missionary lesson. Like Jonah, the modern church needs to learn that the souls of the lost are worth more than all the gourds of a material world. Golden Text illustration J onah 2:9 A good man was very ill, and his friends came to comfprt him. They re membered his good deeds, and how he had always cared for the lambs of Christ’s flock. One prayed, “Lord, thou knowest how he loves thee.” “Ah, my friends,” said the sick man, “do not say that. When Mary and Martha went to Jesus, their message was not, ‘Lord, he who loveth thee is sick,’ but, ‘He whom thou lovest.’ It is not.’my im perfect love to Him that gives me comfort, but His perfect love to me.” —Sunday School Times. Jonah the Missionary J onah . 3 MEMORY VERSE: “The Lord is good to all” (Psa. 145:9). APPROACH: Sometimes your mother may call you to come in from play, and you do not pay any attention. Per haps she has to speak sharply then, to make you listen. But when she calls you a second time, you obey, don’t you? Did you t h i n k to a wicked city called Nineveh, and to preach to the people there, but Jonah didn’t go. Instead, he ran away, and the Lord had to allow trouble to come to him—a storm on the sea and a big fish who swallowed Jonah—be fore the prophet was ready to do whafc the Lord told him. When he was ready to obey, “the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time” (v. 1). Do you know what happened then? LESSON STORY: Jonah went right into the great city of Nineveh, where he preached boldly about the people’s sin and told them that the Lord would punish them if they refused to repent. He didn’t try to run.away this time. And then a wonderful thing happened. “The people of Nineveh believed God” (v. 5) and what His prophet had told them about the terrible wickedness of their city. Why, “the king of Nineveh . . . arose from his throne” (v. 6) and humbled himself before God and told all his people to “ cry mightily unto God” and to “turn every one from his 5 - D i v i s i o n you were the only person who had to be scolded for not obeying ? No, you are not, for long, l o n g a g o t h e prophet Jonah was punished for that very t h i n g . The Lord told him to go
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Object Lesson T he B ottle F amily OBJECTS: Five bottles, graduated in size, and a pitcher of water. LESSON: I have a whole family in my handbag this morning. Before in troducing them, I want to remind you that Jesus said that He had the Living Water which would satisfy the thirst of the human heart. The water in . this pitcher will stand for Christ, the Liv ing Water. Now we shall introduce Mr. Bottle. We try to pour into him water from the pitcher but it will not go in. A black cork keeps it out. Many people do not let Christ come into their hearts because they are not willing to give up some black sin. Mrs. Bottle does not receive the water because of a white cork. She would not think of doing the black things her husband does, but she clings to other things which keep the water out. Here is Bill, the oldest son. Can you see what is causing him not to re ceive the water ? It is a small coin glued over the mouth of the bottle. The love of money keeps many from re ceiving Christ. A beautiful flower keeps Mary from receiving the water. God intended.that we should enjoy the flowers, but He did not intend that we should take Sunday drives to the country to see the flowers, when we should be in the house of " God hearing about Christ. This is Esther, the youngest daugh ter. She receives the water immediately. It is best to accept Christ while we are young, before sin so fills our lives that .we are not willing to let Him in. We shall remove all these things which have stopped the mouths of the bottles. See, how easily the water goes in now! What a happy family it is, with living water in each heart! It reminds us of the people of Nineveh who repented of their sins, turned to God, and were forgiven.
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