T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Hay, 1940
NOTES on Christian Endeavor By, LYMAN A. WENDT'
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JUNE 2, 1940 THE POSSIBLE YOU I saiah 4 0 :28-31; 1 C orinthians 1:26-29 Introduction A vivid contrast between a modern youth and Abraham Lincoln as a young man appeared in a cartoon printed in the February, 1940, issue of the Moody Monthly. Lincoln lay stretched before a fireplace with a Bible before him, reading by the light from the open hearth. Conspicuously at his elbow were The Life of George Washington, Pil grim’s Progress, and one or two similar works. The contrast was a modern young man indolently sprawled on a davenport, a cigarette hanging from an insipid countenance. Beside him lay a movie magazine, a night club pro gram, and a race track form. The car toons were captioned “PAST” and “PRESENT.” This pointed comparison was star tling and undoubtedly appropriate and timely; however, it does not represent all of modern youth. Many young peo ple today do possess some ambition to improve their character, their associa tions, their circumstances. But a real problem exists! In this turbulent day of degrading surround ings and deplorable morality, how may youth realize the possibilities that re side within, and resist the influences that abide without? How may we real ize “The Possible You” ? For Those Who Have Topics I. “The Possible 'You” cannot be real ized by “youth” and “ambition” and “vitality” alone. Read Isaiah 40:28- 31. 1. Show how Important these quali ties are in the modern profes sional, business, and spiritual world. 2. Nevertheless even these wonder ful virtues may become a curse if separated from- the principles of Jesus Christ (love, etc.). Ulus.: The present European (world) conflict proves that youth and vitality, apart from God, destroys “The Possible Please Write Usl Do you use these Christian Endeavor Notes In your society? What type of programs do you find most suitable for your group? Please let us hear from you. Address: Managing Editor, Tue King’s Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.
You” by destroying life itself. 3. Contrast the spirit of the present day (which Is one of “might and power” ) with that of God! (Zech. 4:6). Ulus.: Youth is attracted by “life” and “action.” If we will possess and express*these quali ties in our Christian lives, then youth need not look for it in the world, but will be attracted to our Lord. II. “The Possible You” cannot be real ized by wisdom and power and po sition alone. Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-29. 1. Education is important in this day of highly specialized train ing, 2. Nevertheless, it may become a curse by instilling pride—which thing God hates. Learning is not a bad thing unless it causes men to try to explain away Christ. God would have men know it is “Christ,” not wisdom, that saves. For the Leader I. 'Point out the possibilities of a life wholly yielded to Christ. 1. In the scientific" world—to give life, not to destroy. 2. In the business world—to be a living witness to the saving and keeping power of the living Lord. 3. In the religious world—to carry the Living Word to “dead” men * at home and in foreign lands. II. Conduct a discussion as to the rela tive merit of youth (Isa. 40:28-31) and education (1 Cor. 1:26-29) in being used effectively as a “wit ness” for the Lord, and in the de velopment of genuine spirituality and Christian character.
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