King's Business - 1940-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


May, 1940

the word all the time. But when the teachers talked more to her, Lela began to believe that God was really God, and that. Jesus was real. Finally she opened, her sinful, hungry heart and let the Lord Jesus come in. Then she was not happy until some of the teachers took her in the old buggy, back into; the hills to her father’s log cabin where she could tell her brothers about this wonderful Person, the Lord Jesus. Not all American homes—praise the Lord of homes—are as lacking in knowledge of Christ as these two were. Parents do love their children today, you say.' They dp, surely. They strain every nerve to provide food and shelter and ' amusements and education ftnd physical care and training for their possible talents. No parents want their children to have to live as hard a life as they had to live. But the well-fed-,;; well-sheltered, well - e d ub a t e d, well- amused children—even as those little ones who are'not so bountifuly provided for—must face eternity some day, and the parents are the first ones who are responsible for their children’s welfare. Gdd, have mercy on,; America’s parents. [This article is taken from two chap­ ters in the book, T omorrow B egins T oday • {cloth, $1.00), published by FVm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., and reprinted by special permission .— E ditor .]

TOMORROW BEGINS TODAY [ Continued from Page 1661 is difficult for many parents to discuss with their offspring the most vital things of their lives—the salvation of their souls through the redeeming: blood of the Lord Jesus, and the problem of their personal puirity. Do you not be­ lieve that sometimes this timidity on the part of parents is given to them by Satan himself in order that he may defeat any effort to win the child away from him ? , ,Sometimes the trouble lies in pure indifference on the part of the parents. Often it is actual ignorance because there has .been no personal contact between the Saviour and thé parents themselves. We cannot teach others those things which-we do not know ourselves. If we would win souls, wë must first be won. Numberless illustrations could be given of boys and girls who were found ready to accept the Saviour. For ex­ ample, Richard was seven years old when'he first heard that Jesus was a real Person. He was the only son of wealthy parents who had no time to bother with the training of their son. They left that task to tutors. The tutor who came to Richard when the boy was seven was a Christian. When young Mr. Randolph began to talk to Richard about Jesus, the child was amazed, exclaiming, “Why, that’s -ft

Thirtieth' Commencement Biola Alumni Commencement Reunion! Classes of three decades will compete for the largest at­ tendance, Plan now to attend, and help your class win. Reunion date: Monday, June S, 1940. swear word!” But when the tutor told him the story of Jesus, Richard opened his heart to Jesus’ love. Young as .he was, he eagerly drank in every word: Then he wanted some of his friends, as wealthy yet as poor in- spiritual things as he was, to know about- his new Friend. Mr. Randolph had given him a Bible and a beautiful -copy of the Gospel o f John bound in red leather. Richard decided to give his friends some books bound in red like this one of his. When his friends read the Gospels, they, too, discovered that the books were beautiful within and without.- ; Lela was older. She was ten .when she entered the mission school. She did not come from a home of wealth, but from “back of beyond” in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Her mother was dead, and her . father was a ; “moon­ shiner,” Her life had been a series of hardships. When one of the teachers in the school began to talk to her about God, she smiled and turned away. God? There was no real God. tier pappy used

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