King's Business - 1940-05

May, 1640

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


DAILY Devotional Readings

J '/ iqsl ! Free Catalogue of Pageants, Dramas, etc. containing music and special features for 2 complete programs. CHILDREN’S DAY HELPER No. 26—25c. 6 songs, moretban 100recitations, etc.,unequalledin qualityand Quantity. Not sent for examination. THREE DRAMAS in one book, 26c. “On the Air/* s.s. broadcast, and 2 others. Send for examination copy. THE WISHING WELL —30c. $3.00 dozen. A pageant cantata, charming in words and music, interesting, en­ tertaining, easily prepared. S P E C i A L O F F E R . — Send 40 cents for one eachofabove (value80cents). Onlyonepackettoaschool. //UR ODEHEAVED « au . Suite 1359. 28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III. Suite 759 124 N*lsth St., Philadelphia, Pa. GOOD N EW S F R OM POLAND “ Eleven missionaries safe, but lost every­ thing. Orphanage (12 miles from Warsaw) girls and staff safe;work continuing. Thous­ ands of Christians in direct need of food and clothing: sending relief. Thousands of dollars needed for Poland, Finland, Scandin­ avia. We urgently need funds to relieve our workers (59 in Poland alone) and to send relief to refugees. The material need is des­ perate. Food is obtainable in Warsaw, but it costs five times as much as before the war. ‘He gives twice who gives quickly,* ** (Signed) F. J. MILES International Secretary, London. Will readers desirous of helping, please remit to the American Secretary, Miss M. N.. Fetler. / Russian Missionary Society, Inc. 1844 W. Monroe St., Chicago, Illinois Copies of “ The Friend of Russians’* free upon request Jamison's Chronological Panorama of the Bible “ The whole Bible story from Eternity to Eternity*1 —The S. S. Times. Litho. 9 colors on fine map cloth, 17x34 in. It, a 36-page key, and an abr. revised 1-color one, 7x14 in., on fine ledger paper, $1.75. A large 4x8 ft. size in colors on cloth $30.00. One 1-color one for 25c, or 3 for 50c, or 1 with the key, 50c. 3 of each for $1.00. Key »ftone 25c, or 3 for 50c. Fine for S. S. classes. PROF. LEWIS H. JAMISON, 312 Gretna Green Way, Brentwood, West Los Angeles. , SO GREAT SALVATION, for Week Day and Sunday Bible Classes. *by Alice M. Comstock, 2224 Coloma Street, Oakland, California. Price $1.00, including set of cut-out' illustrations, Each lesson Is so written as to lead up to asking for definite decisions for. Christ. The book contains 18 lessons on such subjects as Eternal Life, The New Birth, The Trinity, The Work of the Holy Spirit. The Church, God Is Eternal. Also Easter, Thanksgiving and -Christ­ mas Stories by Alice B. Walker. . LESSONS ON . . .

4. Horizons—Temporal or Eternal? “For 1 am now ready to be offered, and the tirrie of my departure is at hand” (2 Tim. 4:6). The ship is loosed from her moorings and is about to cross the bar. Paul knows he will meet his Pilot face to face. . . . The Roman prison and the Roman Empire—all these things that are seen are, after all, temporal. The glory that awaits is eternal. . . .Are you ever homesick for heaven? Do you ever gaze on the far horizon of Beulah Land ? . . . The earthly /house of our tabernacle will soon dissolve. What shall it profit to gain the whole world? —Samuel M. Zwemer. 5. Trials of Faith “That the trial of your faith . . . might be found unto praise and honor and. glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 1:7). Trials . . . are God’s great blasting processes in the work of spiritual ex­ cavation, which must precede the high­ er work of building up the life and character. We never know what graces and qualities we possess until the test comes, and then the faith and courage that glowed with such a flame in "the moment of enthusiasm and inspiration finds its true level, and the soul is thrown back in its nothingness and helplessness upon Christ alone. —A. B. Simpson, 6. , ‘ Grace and Truth “Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John 1:18). Some men are full of grace, and some are full of truth. Jesus was "full of grace and truth.” God’s call to us is to speak “ the truth in love.” To speak to men in love without truth — that is weakness. To speak to men the'truth without love — that is ■harshness. He alone is in God’s perfect will who does both, even as Jesus did. —James H. McConkey. 7. Heroic Standing “Having done all, to stand” (Eph. 6:13). It is a great deal easier to fight than to stand;- but spiritually, our conflict is not so much a fight as a standing on guard. . . . When we are in a frenzy, we attack; when we are strong, we stand to overcom . . . . To stand means to work on the level of the heroic. . . . Our Lord calls us to a joyful, heroic life, and we must never relax. —Oswald Chambers. 8. Transformed “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory o f the Lord,

1, Our Captain “ And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man . . . And he said, . . . As captain of the host of the Lord am I now come” (Josh. 5:13, 14). Jericho fell, not before the might of Israel’s arms, but before the might of heaven’s hosts. Wherever there is a Jericho, there is a mighty Lord . . . The Captain assumed all responsibility . . . He is willing to do the same f o r ' us. When we do not know the best way to attack our Jerichos, it is a tremen­ dous strength to know that we have One on whom we can lean for all needed wisdom and power.—J. Oswald Sanders. The Wayward Sheep “Night and day praying exceedingly that we might . . . perfect that which is lacking in your faith’’ (1 The'ss. 3:10). It was over the lost sheep of the house of Israel . . . that Christ wept and lamented. . . . It was the wayward sheep that burdened the Apostle’s heart as he warned every one night and day with tears. And wp missionaries must needs be in the succession. In spite of all the joys of soul-winning, there will be many tears . . . over backward, err­ ing converts. It was the way our Mas­ ter went, shall not the servant tread it still?—Northcote Deck. " “You are God’s sanctuary” (1 Cor. 3: 16, Weymouth) 2. 3. God’s Sanctuary

The true purpose of the old-time tem­ ple was not only that it might be the dwelling place, of God, but that it might be the place where, because of His in­ dwelling, He could reveal Himself to man. God comes to dwell in the Chris­ tian heart and life for a purpose; a gracious and glorious purpose, that through the. heart and life and charac­ ter He might be made known to the world.—Robert Lee. Faith Theological Seminary Wilmington, Delaware FOR THE FAITH BY FAITH

Consecrated scholarly Faculty of nine Including Dr. Allan A ? MacRae, Professor of Old Testament, and Dr. J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics




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