"ITS SUICIDE OR CHRIST! rr Giving God's Word to Jews throughout' the world to win them to Christ T HE chairman of the World-Jewish Congress recently declared: “Of the 9,000,000 Jews in Europe, less than 1,000,000 are still living normal lives. Thousands are being massacred; and tens of thousands are being sent out
A Coast to Coast Crusade Here in America a coast-to-coast crusade has been inaug urated to reach as many as possible of the 5,000,000 Jews in the United States and Canada with the Word o f God. A special Prophecy Edition of the New Testament for Jews was pub lished some time ago. The first edition o f 78,000 has been exhausted. A new edition of 105,000 copies is coming from the press; and the Books are being given to Jews, who agree to read them, throughout the length and breadth o f the United States and Canada. Ministers, missions to Jews, prayer groups, and consecrated Christian workers are co-operating in the coast-to-coast crusade to win Jews to Christ with the Word of God. The willingness o f the Jews today to read the New Testament is nothing short of miraculous. Help Save Jewish Souls
into the wilderness. Thousands of Jewish children run through the streets o f Poland, looking for their parents.” One who has labored for years on the Continent declares: “ It’s suicide or Okrist for many thousands o f Jews in Europe.” We are in the midst of a campaign to place the life- giving Word of God in the form o f attractive Testaments, in the hands o f the sorrowing and suffering Jews of Europe; and among the refugees and other Jews in Palestine, America, and other lands. Israel’s extremity is our opportunity. Giving God’s Word to Jews is the best way to lead them to a saving knowledge o f Christ! It is surely God’s appointed hour to place New Testaments in the hands o f the Jews throughout the world! In spite o f the war, the work of distributing New Testa
ments among Jewish peo ple in Europe is still go ing forward. Many work ers are co-operating in giving New Testaments, in Hebrew and other lan guages, to Jewish people who agree to read them. How sorely they need the healing balm o f God’s Word in this hour of ter rible affliction! Open Doors in Palestine Jews in Palestine are now e a g e r l y receiving New Testaments. Mis sionaries and workers are co-operating heartily in the distribution. Two mis sionaries visited 160 o f the 300 colonies in Pales tine, giving out our He brew and English New Testaments to those who agreed to read them. In a recent letter one of them says: “We find the doors wide open in nearly all the colonies. We have
Please pray earnestly for this work- day by day; and send a donation to place attractive New Tes taments in the hands and hearts o f Jewish people to lead them out of dark ness and despair into the glorious light and liberty of the gospel. Do not delay! Souls are perish ing! More than 100,000 New Testaments have been distributed; hund reds o f thousands more are still needed! Will you help? If you can give some o f the Prophecy New Testaments to Jews in your community who will agree to read them, please mark it on the coupon be low:
A STREET FILLED WITH JEWS IN A CITY IN EUROPE Will you help to win Jews to Christ by giving them God’s Word?
been from house to house in the settlements, entering into conversation with thousands of Jews, and distributing New Testaments. They are only given to those who express a desire to read them. May we ask you to pray for Palestine in this day o f opportunity, while the doors are still wide open? We cannot tell how long the opportunity will last!” Reaching Jewish Refugees Tens of thousands of Jews have fled from the terrible persecution in Europe, seeking a haven of refuge in far-distant lands. Their hearts are open and receptive. They are hungry for something that will give comfort and consolation in their distress. We are sending shipments of New Testaments to various foreign lands to be given with love and sympathy and prayer to Jews who agree to read them. Word comes from the Argentine Republic that the Jews are even allowing the missionaries to come into the synagogues to speak to the people! Souls are being saved! It is a marvelous opportunity! Let us co-operate by prayer and providing still more Testa ments!
--------------------------CUT OUT ALONG TH IS L IN E --------------------- M illion T estam en ts Cam paigns, 1505 R a ce St., P hiladelphia, P a. D ear Sirs: En closed fin d .......................................... d ollars fo r p rov id in g N ew T estam ents fo r Jew s in Am erica, E urope, P alestine, and oth er lands to lead them to a sa v in g k n ow led g e o f Christ.
Street and N um ber.
C ity and State.
P lease send m e ..............................P rop h ecy N ew T estam ents to g iv e to Jew ish people w h o w ill a g ree to read them . I f you w ill en d eavor to p ra y d aily fo r the w o rk o f g iv in g G od’ s W ord to Jew ish p eople to w in them to C hrist, please put a cross h e r e ................................ . . „ . .. K.B.
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