Range & Pasture - Weed ID Guide

Annual Weeds

MAYWEED: SCENTLESS and STINKING Tripleurospermum perforata and Anthemis cotula Life Cycle: Annual Plant Description: Scentless: Plants can be very bushy and have an extensive, fibrous root system. Stems are erect, growing up to 3½ feet tall. Leaves are alternate and divided into short segments (carrot-like) and are scentless

when crushed. Flowers are composed of a yellow central disk surrounded by white petals. Stinking: Stems are low and bushy-

branched, ranging from 4 to 24 inches tall and are finely hairy just below the flower heads. Flower heads are daisy-like. When crushed, all parts of the plant give off an offensive odor. Treatment: Apply 16 to 20 fluid ounces of DuraCor ® herbicide per acre (scentless and

stinking, respectively), or 24 fluid ounces of NovaGraz ™ herbicide plus 1% MSO v/v per acre. Use lower rates when seeds are small and actively growing. Increase rate as season progresses and plants become more mature.


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