Range & Pasture - Weed ID Guide

Biennial & Perennial Weeds

BURDOCK, COMMON Arctium minus Life Cycle: Biennial Plant Description:

A biennial that produces a rosette of large leaves in the first year and a branched stem with multiple burrs during the second year. Rosette leaves are broadly heart-shaped, 6 to 18 inches long, with wavy and toothed margins. Flowers occur in clusters at the ends of branches and are purple to lavender, occasionally white. Flowers dry to a burr with hooked bracts that can be confused with a thistle.

Treatment: Apply 16 to 20 fluid ounces of DuraCor ® herbicide or 24 fluid ounces of NovaGraz ™ herbicide plus 1% MSO v/v per acre or 20 to 32 fluid ounces of GrazonPD3 ™ herbicide per acre. Apply in the spring and early summer to rosette or bolting plants or in the fall to seedlings and rosettes before ground is frozen.


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