Biennial & Perennial Weeds
IRONWEED: TALL & WESTERN Vernonia gigantea and Vernonia baldwinii Life Cycle: Perennial Plant Description:
Clump-forming perennial herbs with erect stems 2 to 4 feet tall. Reproduce by rhizomes and seed. Long, lance- shaped leaves are sharply toothed with short hairs on lower surface. Reddish- purple flowers are arranged along slender branches at top of plant. ounces of NovaGraz ™ herbicide plus 1% MSO v/v per acre, or 20 to 32 fluid ounces of GrazonPD3 ™ herbicide per acre before flowering, during vegetative stage (starting when plants are about 10 inches in height) prior to bloom. Use higher rate in range when weeds are larger.
Treatment: Apply 16 to 20 fluid ounces of DuraCor ® herbicide or 24 fluid
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