2023 Range & Pasture - Weed ID Guide

Biennial & Perennial Weeds

SERICEA LESPEDEZA Lespedeza cuneata Life Cycle: Perennial Plant Description:

Erect perennial with stems up to 5 inches tall. Each leaf is divided into three smaller leaflets on the lower portion of the stem. Leaflets are flattened on the outer end with small, flat hairs on the lower surface. Flowers are yellow and may be tinged with purple. Treatment: Apply 0.75 to 1 pint of PastureGard ® HL herbicide per acre with surfactant. Apply

5 or more gallons total spray volume per acre by air or 10 gallons per acre by ground. Begin at flower bud initiation through the full bloom stage of growth. Early summer: Begin treatment when weed is a minimum of 2 to 15 inches tall. Treatment may continue as long as plants are actively growing. Late fall: Treatment may continue when plants are actively growing. The higher labeled rate should be used late in the season due to the advanced growth stage of the plant.


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