Range & Pasture - Weed ID Guide

Biennial & Perennial Weeds

SPURGE, LEAFY *T* Euphorbia esula Life Cycle: Perennial Plant Description:

This perennial grows 2 to 3 feet tall from a woody crown that is below the soil surface. Each crown area produces several upright stems. The leaves are numerous, linear-shaped and are a bluish-green color turning yellow or reddish-orange in the fall. Yellow flowers produce a seed capsule that can shoot seeds up to 15 feet.

Treatment: Apply 2 pints of Tordon ® 22K per acre or tank mix 1.5 to 2 pints of Tordon 22K + 1 quart of 2,4-D amine (4 pounds per gallon) per acre. Apply at the true flower growth stage (mid to late June) or during fall regrowth. Re-apply when level of control drops below 80%.


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