Range & Pasture Western Rangeland Weed & Brush ID Guide

Biennial & Perennial Weeds

General Treatment and Application Guidelines

Treatment recommendations are provided with most of the weeds listed in this guide. Since pastures typically contain a mix of weeds, here is a good general recommendation for broad-spectrum control of most biennial and perennial weeds: • Treat when weeds are actively growing. Apply the labeled rate of product in enough water to give a total spray volume of 15 to 20 gallons per acre. When a rate range is provided, use the lower rate early in the season. The higher rate will produce more consistent results as plants mature — bolted thistles, for example — plus provide maximum residual control. • Applications made during drought stress or other conditions preventing active growth may not provide acceptable control. • To provide more complete wetting of the foliage, use the recommended rate of an agricultural surfactant. Using a drift control additive for drift reduction and improved deposition is strongly recommended.


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