Range & Pasture Western Rangeland Weed & Brush ID Guide

Biennial & Perennial Weeds

DOGFENNEL Eupatorium capillifolium Life Cycle: Perennial Plant Description:

A tall growing perennial with finely dissected leaves. Lower leaves are opposite (others alternate) and mostly ¾ to 4 inches long. Tall stems are erect and branched in the upper part of the plant. Flower heads green to bronze and numerous in a branched panicle.

Treatment: Tank mix 16 fluid ounces of HighNoon ® herbicide per acre + 8 to12 fluid ounces of PastureGard ® HL herbicide per acre for large dogfennel. For non-residual weed control, apply 1.2 to 1.5 pints of PastureGard HL per acre to plants as tall as 48 inches.


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