Range & Pasture Western Rangeland Weed & Brush ID Guide

Range & Pasture Improvement Pasture. It’s your lowest-cost feed source. Western Rangeland - WEED & BRUSH ID GUIDE Corteva Agriscience™ Range & Pasture Portfolio

Grow a pound of weeds, lose a pound of grass. Control a pound of weeds, gain a pound or more of usable forage. Pasture experts say it really is that simple. While a pound of grass may not sound like much, those pounds can add up, usually doubling to tripling forage in trials. Annual and perennial weeds choke forage production, restrict grazing, cut carrying capacity, restrict wildlife habitat and reduce forage yields and quality. When these weeds show up, grass and ultimately beef production, suffer. This is especially true in the case of noxious weeds— the value of the land itself can plummet, and that’s why managing noxious weeds is a must. Although mechanical control methods may temporarily appear to do the job, they are labor-intensive and costly. Often these methods don’t get to the root of the problem and may actually compound the problem. Products in the Corteva Range & Pasture portfolio can help you meet your weed challenges so you can grow the best pastures and maximize your profit potential. The most extensive rangeland weed control available. The new standard in rangeland herbicides because it offers an unmatched combination of weed control spectrum, safety on desirable grasses and forbs, and use site flexibility. While controlling more than 140 weeds, HighNoon ® herbicide stops weeds that are up and growing, while providing residual control of those that germinate later. HighNoon herbicide has flexible application options including broadcast by ground or by air, and spot treatments. Low use rates, a low-odor formulation and no grazing restrictions add to the convenience factor. This all makes HighNoon the easy choice for weed control.

Specialized broad-spectrum weed, brush and grass management. Chaparral ™ herbicide is the simple answer for several significant, unique needs, like reducing the impact of toxic fescue through seedhead suppression and improving hay quality by removing Pensacola bahiagrass from bermudagrass.


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