Range & Pasture Western Rangeland Weed & Brush ID Guide

Biennial & Perennial Weeds

THISTLE, CANADA Cirsium arvense Life Cycle: Perennial Plant Description:

Erect, up to 4 feet tall, with tremendous leaf variability. Leaves vary from light to dark green, oblong or lance-shaped, deeply cut, often with spiny-toothed margins, slightly hairy below. Flowers are small, bristly clusters and light lavender to deep rose purple. Plants are male and female. Apply after the first buds form in late spring. This timing provides the best compromise between Canada thistle emergence and stage of growth of older plants. Fall to early winter applications of HighNoon can be made prior to the first hard frost.

Treatment: Apply 16 to 20 fluid ounces of HighNoon ® herbicide per acre.


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