Range & Pasture Western Rangeland Weed & Brush ID Guide


RUSSIAN OLIVE Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Life Cycle: Brush Plant Description:

Fast growing tree that reaches between 10 and 25 feet in height. Trunks and branches have 1-2 inch woody thorns. Leaves are narrow, 2-3 inches long, and covered with minute hairs that give them a distinctive silvery appearance. Flowers are yellow and arranged in clusters. Fruits, shaped like small olives, are silvery when first formed, but turn tan to brown at maturity. Recognized as a food source for wildlife but can be a serious invasive species when allowed to overtake low- lying pastures, meadows, and waterways. Apply 16-20 fluid ounces of HighNoon ® herbicide per acre + 32-48 fluid ounces per acre of Vastlan ® herbicide on plants 6 feet tall or less. Apply until foliage is wet but not to runoff. Follow up treatment of resprouts may be needed.

Treatment: Foliar Individual Plant Treatment


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