Range & Pasture Western Rangeland Weed & Brush ID Guide


SALT CEDAR Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb Life Cycle: Brush Plant Description:

Highly invasive species that can grow 5-20 feet tall. Bark on saplings and stems are reddish-brown. Leaves are small and scale-like, on highly-branched slender stems. Flowers are pink to white, 5-petalled. Initially introduced from Eurasia as an ornamental, it now often forms a monoculture which greatly limits wildlife biodiversity. Large Salt Cedar plants can transpire up to large amounts of water a day and will often dry up ponds and streams.

In addition, it can increase fire frequency within the riparian habitats it dominates because of its high levels of dead leaves and branches that provide fuel for fires. Treatment: 20 fluid ounces per acre of HighNoon ®

herbicide + 96 fluid ounces per acre of Remedy ® herbicide on plants 6 feet tall or less. Apply until foliage is wet but not to runoff. Follow up treatment of resprouts may be needed.


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