King's Business - 1969-11

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COVER This scene was taken in Newfane, Vermont. The small town is located in the southwestern part of the state. Photo by Gene Ahrens.

EDITOR S. H. Sutherland



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I N t h e J u l y 4, 1969 e d it io n of the Los Angeles Times appeared an article entitled, “ Terrible Trio’s Smoking Death Rate Told.” These shocking facts were included: “ 20 cigarette smokers die of lung cancer for every non-smoker that dies of the disease; twice as many smokers die of heart disease and 7 out of 10 cases of em­ physema and chronic bronchitis are due to cigarettes.” This “ Ter­ rible Trio” of statistics was handed to press representatives by the three largest United States volunteer health societies: Cancer So­ ciety, Heart Association, and TB and Respiratory Disease Associa­ tion. The Vice-President of the Los Angeles Heart Association stated that the biggest health problem in the United States is cig­ arette smoking. He declared: “ It causes more than 300,000 excess deaths every year—that is, deaths caused by smoking—and about half of these are heart deaths.” These three organizations are lead­ ers in the movement to ban all cigarette advertising on television and radio and in newspapers and magazines throughout the coun­ try. The report stated: “The most insidious effect of cigarette advertising is that it undermines educational programs trying to persuade young people not to start smoking . . . About 4,000 youngsters in the United States start to smoke every day . . . Tell­ ing boys and girls that if they smoke, they are likely to suffer from, or die from, emphysema, heart disease or lung cancer doesn’t carry much weight compared to the cigarette advertising that makes cigarette smoking and smokers appear glamorous, sophisti­ cated and mature.” Of all the hellish programs being foisted on the American peo­ ple, one o f the worst is the program of the cigarette industry—all for the sake o f the “ almighty dollar.” The cigarette companies are knowingly, deliberately, and wilfully sending 300,000 to a premar ture death every year. Even before they die, these victims of the above-named diseases caused by cigarettes, cost the public multi­ plied millions of dollars every year for the upkeep of sanitariums, hospitals, rest homes and other places where they must await their tragic end. The victims themselves are to be more pitied than con­ demned because those who are dying now in most instances were not informed in regard to the lethal aspects o f the insidious habit of smoking. The ones to be condemned are the cigarette companies, the various news media which carry the advertising of the cigarette dealers, and the various executive branches of the government who are afraid of supporting legislation to ban the devilishly deceitful advertising that glamorizes the deadly cigarette. Tobacco grow­ ers and their lobbies too must bear their share of blame. Think of

R e le v a n c e

THE CASE FOR BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY by E. J . Carnell edited by Ronald H. Nash A stirring collection of the finest articles and essays written by Professor Carnell over a twenty-year period. Includes thought­ ful, stimulating and provocative essays on theology, philosophy of religion, ethics, ecumenism, fundamentalism, separatism, and other topics of contemporary interest, always within the framework of positive, evangelical Christian faith. 176 Pages, Paper, $3.50 Edward John Carnell, formerly professor of Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion at Gordon Divinity School, and past president of Fuller Theological Seminary, died in April, 1967. Carnell authored eight books, including An Introduction to Christian Apolo­ getics, A Philosophy of the Christian Religion, and Christian Commitment. ‘ 'Dr. Carnell was one of evangelical Protestantism’s most gifted younger minds . . . (who) effectively displayed the power and relevance of evan­ gelical orthodoxy.” — CHR ISTIAN ITY TODAY Ronald Nash is professor of Philosophy and head of the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Western Kentucky University.

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it—300,000 premature deaths from smoking every year! Very few individuals or organizations are interested in doing anything about it. We hear more and more agitation about the awful killings in Viet Nam. Let it be said that we abominate war as much as anyone. But if the National Council o f Churches, the liberal political “ doves” in Congress, and in the various state legislatures, the American Civil Liberties Union, and many other groups which piously pontificate about the evils o f the war in Viet Nam would only pick up the cry against the evils of the cigarette, we would be more sympathetic to their crocodile tears over our wonderful military personnel whose lives are being snuffed out in the war. We repeat: we do not regard that conflict lightly but we believe that the late President Kennedy, former President Johnson, and the incumbent President Nixon were and are faced with stem reali­ ties which are totally ignored by the unthinking individuals who would unilaterally pull the United States out of that conflict with­ out thought o f the ultimate consequences. In a little over one year, more deaths occur in the United States, due to the smoking habit, than in all o f the wars in which the United States has engaged throughout its entire history. In July 1969 Readers Digest, the figure was presented that total deaths in all wars of the United States was 379,000. But nothing is said about this terrible cigarette situation. Instead o f the “peaceniks” dwell­ ing on the subject o f the current conflict in Viet Nam to embarrass the last three Administrations and to make it more difficult to obtain anything like an honorable peace, why did they not pick on the cigarette? Liberal preachers in pulpits, liberal commentators in the news media, and others of that same ilk, are doing every­ thing possible to force the United States to surrender its ideals and practices which got us into the war in the first place. They demand that we pull out without asking any concessions whatever from the enemy. The world Communists cannot ask for anything more than that! One dares to prophesy that in years to come it will become more and more evident that there are more actual Communists in the ranks of our political “doves” than we ever dreamed. Very successfully they have pulled the wool over the eyes o f a large pro­ portion of our citizens. Alas, when the fact is revealed, it wall be too late to do anything about i t ! If these left-wing organizations are so deeply interested in pre­ serving human lives, let them work with these valiant health organ­ izations that are trying to educate the American public to the dan­ gers and evils o f the smoking habit. Until they begin to show an interest in other areas of the national welfare, the hypocrisy of their “mouthings” is plain to every right-thinking individual. Again we stress the fact that we regard the war in Viet Nam most seri­ ously. We are deeply and genuinely grieved at the death of each one o f our men over there, but at least we know he is losing his life in a noble cause: namely, that of keeping free men free. Our armies are sincerely endeavoring to stop the onward march of Communism, that soul-destroying system which would enslave every human being, and in recent years many of our political leaders are doing all possible to halt its world-wide conquest. Of course, our govern­ ment and armed forces are being opposed by Communists in all parts o f the world, and by the Communists who are running loose in this country. Alas, these elements are aided and abetted by many in our land who are not themselves Communists, but who are doing everything that the Communists would like to see done in bringing down these United States to the place where Communism actually Continued on page AS NOVEMBER, 1969

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MR. CURTIS STEVENS has been ap­ pointed Director of Publicity for Through the Bible Publishers, headquartered in Dallas, Texas. DR. HARLIN J. ROPER Is President of the organization. DR. PAUL R. VAN GORDER has been appointed Associate Teacher of the Ra­ dio Class, according to RICHARD W. De- HAAN, President and Teacher. Accord­

ing to Mr. DeHaan, the appointment has become n e c e s s a r y because of the ex­ panding ministries of the organization. The Radio Bible Class is heard over a world­ wide network of 500 radio stations. The newest m i n i s t r y , "Day of Discovery,"

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is a color television production which is seen on more than sixty metropolitan television stations. Richard DeHaan JOHN W. PETERSON was honored by Gospel Films, Inc. in a special salute to him at the end of a Bible Conference this summer. More than two thousand people attended the special meeting which featured the Continentals, FLO PRICE, The Peterson Trio, and concert organist HAROLD DeCOU. REV. WESLEY L GUSTAFSON h a s been named Candidate and Orient Sec­ retary of the Evangelical Free Church of America Board of Overseas Missions in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was formerly pastor of the Evangelical Free Church in Fullerton, California. DR. JAMES N. BEDFORD has joined the extension staff of Moody Bible In­ stitute of Chicago. Dr. Bedford is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and has served as president of Buffalo Bible Institute and Theological Seminary. World Relief Commission has accept­ ed a 120-bed Hoa Khanh Children's Hos­ pital from the United States Marines in Viet Nam. The facility was publicly ac­ cepted by DR. NATHAN BAILEY, Presi­ dent for the Commission. The hospital was started four years ago as a small first aid station operated by off-duty Marine doctors and corpsmen. They used their own personal funds for the $300,000 building. DR. EVERETT S. GRAFFAM, WRC Executive Vice Presi­ dent, was present at the transfer and dedication ceremony. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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This book is what the title indi­ cates. It is the testimony o f one o f America’s greatest preachers o f the Word. Marshalling the evidence o f the Scriptures’ own testimony to their authority and inerrancy and the effect o f the authoritative preach­ ing o f the Word upon the lives and hearts o f men, Dr. Criswell bares his heart in a plea fo r the centrality and absolute necessity o f a belief in the truthfulness o f the Bible. Although intended as a defense o f the Bible, this book is much more. In warding off criticism lodged against the vari­ ous aspects o f the Bible, whether scientific or doctrinal, the author pro­ claims the teaching o f the W ord in these areas thus providing many b rie f doctrinal studies. Numerous references and illustrations from the W ord o f God and from life, includ­ ing Pastor Criswell’s own experi­ ences, make this book move with ex­ citement and vitality o f the Word. While exception may be taken to some o f the interpretations, such as miracles, where the author includes nature’s “ resurrection in the spring” (p. I l l ) , the work is a veritable gold mine o f Biblical truth. A t a time when many preachers have left the preaching o f the Word and others are being led to doubt its relevance fo r our day, this book could be read profitably by every minister seeking to bring his people into confrontation with the W ord from God. Its inter­ esting and easy style with lucid ex­ planation commend this book also to all members o f the church who are in the final analysis responsible fo r the church and its leaders. — 160 pages; Broadman Press, Nashville, Tennessee; $3.50. — Reviewed by Robert Saucy.

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P salm 2 3 I was burdened with grief That day in the spring. My heart-strings were broken— I could not sing. I turned in my anguish To God’s holy Word His comfort I needed— I read with eyes blurred: “ I'll walk with you through The dark valley o f death; I’ll comfort you, strengthen you While you have breath.” A t once I was calm, And I looked up to see The holy Lord Jesus With eyes fixed on me. “ I am the Good Shepherd,” He tenderly said, “ The wee lamb I loaned you Has left his small bed, But he’s safe in My arms— A t peace he doth rest. I lovingly hold him Now, close to My breast. The wolf shall not touch him— I’ll keep him from harm; There’s no night in heaven, No cold—he’ll be warm. Here pastures are green And waters are still, And lambkins may frolic Each green-velvet hill. “ Your wee precious lambie Is so happy here, With nothing to hurt him, And nothing to fear. But, your little lost lamb Doth eagerly wait To welcome you Home A t the bright Golden Gate.’’ The words o f the Shepherd Brought warmth to my heart— An indwelling hope That shall never depart. Tho’ the years may be many— By faith I can see My child at the Gate With arms outstretched to me.



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Just a few months ago the al­ bum was completed and Don Ziegler o f Vibrant, Otis Skilling, the arranger and conductor, and myself hoped for an album with a beat, tempo and lyrics that would be the NOW sound — yet with a 2,000-year old message. With a lot o f prayer and hard work, the whole album does throb with the timeless truth that all searchings and longings can be answered in Christ. I now sing those songs for youth rallies and colleges and with amazement watch as God grips hearts just as he does an older audience with the great hymns of the church. Our daugh ter, Laurie, has heard me sing all her life. She has been kind enough to say she real­ ly likes my singing. (Once she told her whole school her mother sang BETTER than Julie An­ drews.) But I was really con­ vinced this new music was reach­ ing her the day o f our first re­ cording session. I had just fin­ ished the first song with all the instruments going full tilt and I left the studio to get a drink of water. Out in the hall Laurie met me as I came through the door with tears streaming down her face. “What’s t h e m a t t e r , Honey?” I asked with consider­ able alarm. “ Oh, Mom” she sobbed, “ I didn’t know you could sing so good!” Both my children have been deeply touched by this new music and I have decided that I’ll do anything I can to turn them in Christ’s direction. I cannot take them to Heaven (I wish I could) but I can steer them in the right direction — and provide music along the way. I’m excited by this new world of music and now that I have begun to understand it, I feel the possibilities for reaching kids with the Gospel of Christ are endless! Joyce Landorf has a daily 15-minute program for ladies, “ Here’s Joyce,” which is broadcast Monday through Friday at 11:45 a.m. on KBBI, 107.5 fm, Los Angeles.


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F a m o u s c o n c e r t pianist, Arthur Rubenstein, recently featured on a television special, was asked by a young music student, “What do you think o f today’s popular music?” Rubenstein’s answer showed his 83 years o f wisdom and great humor as patiently he explained that he and any co-horts his age were not able to understand to­ day’s music; therefore he did not feel he or anyone else had the right to pass judgment or say whether “ this was good” or “ this was bad.” “ Only when we thor­ oughly understand a piece of mu­ sic are we qualified to judge its merits,” he added. In the Christian world today music is experiencing a tremen­ dous new explosion, but its effect on teenagers is just as timeless as “ Do Lord” was to kids in the 1930’s. Because I’m very involved in the music o f the Christian world I’ve been learning to under­ stand every new phase of this music expansion. For like Ruben­ stein, I do not feel I should even pass comment on it if I cannot grasp the meaning o f today’s re­ ligious music. For the past year I’ve been studying my concert audiences and a pattern has been emerging consistently. If my audience is over the 30 age bracket my an­ thems, Gospel songs and John Peterson’s favorites are always well received. But a horrible thing has been happening in college ap­ pearances, Youth For Christ ral­ lies and youth gatherings in gen­ eral as I sing. In the fun songs

the kids are with me, but as I go to the songs I dearly love ( “ His Eye Is On The Sparrow,” “ I Be­ lieve In Miracles,” etc.) the teen­ agers’ bodies remained in the con­ cert hall, but their minds and hearts went right out the window and I’d be singing to a whole place filled with empty people. It was then, after M U C H prayer, I decided to see what teen­ agers (my own two, Rick 16 and Laurie 14, included) were really paying attention to and what would, in the Gospel field, really reach them. Up came the ques­ tion, can a lady over 30 really understand ? I began by doing two things: really listening to some of the new songs by Ralph Carmichael; “ I Looked For Love,” “ Church Is Finally Over,” Jimmy Owens’ “ Illusive Dream,” Otis Skillings’ “ It’s Great To Be Alive!” and secondly, watching a teenage au­ dience as they heard these songs. The effect was, as they say, really “ something else” and “ out- ta sight” because the music with its different beat, accents and wild harmonies made up not with the familiar thirds in chords, but fourths and fifths, was reaching the kids hearts and minds. When Vibrant Productions Re­ cording Company asked if I’d like to record a “ young sound” album I jumped at the chance, not be­ cause I want to be the Christian’s answer to Petula Clark, but be­ cause the opportunity to win kids to Christ is an irresistable chal­ lenge to me!



Godloves me

Help the offbeat, Capture their rebellion, Listen to their song of forsak­ enness, Reach them in their exile. But let some o f their courage rub off on me, Lord. I don’t want to be swallowed by the whale of conformity. Amen by Jeanette Struchen PRAYERS TO PRAY WITH­ OUT REALLY TRYING Lord I’ve picked up a cinder in my eye. It gives me blind spots and Keeps me aware of my own dis­ comfort. Eyes are your gift to me; Perspective is mine to you. In such an age I don’t want to be caught with lack of vision. Amen by Jeanette Struchen PRAYERS TO PRAY WITH­ OUT REALLY TRYING




Ok Soon knows that God loves her,



but she longs for the love that COMPASSION can bring. Your love can bring

MONDAY Wash extra dishes, glassware, serv­ ing pieces, etc. in automatic dishwash­ er or sink. Polish silver, get out candles, plan a centerpiece and other decora­ tions (order flowers and greens, if they’re needed). Find out if any family members are coming early; they can help with last-minute details. TUESDAY Shopping day. (You may have to buy the turkey earlier to allow for de­ frosting.) Clean salad greens; fix any dishes that can be frozen; prepare pies, if they’re your dessert choice, and freeze them unbaked. WEDNESDAY Clean-up day. Don’t start major house-cleaning projects or you’ll be a wilted hostess. Just do the basics: dust, vacuum, spruce up the bathroom, put out guest towels and soap. Also, clear a closet to take coats; make a place for boots and umbrellas if bad weather is forecast. THURSDAY Make the marvelous meal! Our sincere apologies to Joyce Lundorf and readers of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS for the mixing of lines in this column last month. We regret the error on our part. Production Department.

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a smile to her face and drive fear from her eyes. Little O k Soon is only eight, but she's known more suffering and heartache than most people experience in a lifetime. Yes, she's heard about her Heavenly Father, and she truly trusts Him. But, deep in her heart she longs for a human care and love that she has never known . . . a love that perhaps only you can give her. And, Ok Soon is but one of more than 22,000 children in COMPASSION Homes — children yearning for human expressions of Christian love. Their plight is heartbreaking. These needy children have suffered the terrors of war, poverty, famine and disease. They pray for the love of an Am erican "m om m y or dad dy" or "b ig brother or sister." Th e y need food, clothing, medical care and a Christian Home. And, this is what you offer when you sponsor one of these lovely boys or girls for only $12 a month (just pennies a day). CHILDREN LIKE THESE NEED LOVE.

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Jung Ok

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concept. For example, would you have answered as many have done, “Music is to entertain” ? Or maybe you believe it to be the “bait” to bring people into the church. But the question remains: Is this the scriptural revelation concerning m u s ic in the church? Does the New Testament have something to contribute toward the development of a truly Biblical music program? New Testament Music At first glance one might conclude that the New Testament has little help to offer. But the New Tes­ tament not only has much musical material but it is there that the principles which are of value to this study are found. Materially, the New Testa­ ment records at least fifteen hymns or fragments as well as other poetical sections which possibly could be hymns. But the present discussion pertains not to the material (though more will be related to it), but rather to the use to which the music is to be put. The key passages in such a study are Colossians 3:16 and Ephesians 5:19. They are closely related even as are the two epistles themselves, and com­ bined they give a rather comprehensive view of the use of music. From these two passages, we note first that there are three forms o f music which the Bible rec­ ognizes: psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. What did Paul mean by these forms ? The Pttalm The word used here is taken directly from the Greek word Psalmos, which is derived from the verb form psallo. Its meaning is generally given “ to pull, twitch or twang,” and from this meaning the instrument of Hebrew origin, the psaltery, derived its name. In the Septuagint, psallo is translated, “ to sing with a harp.” So the main idea is that the psalm is to be accompanied. Lightfoot comments concerning the passage that the reference here seems to be to the psalms of David, which formed a substantial part o f the musical ministry of the early church. These became the basis for such col­ lections as the Geneva Psalter and the Scotch Psal­ ter as well as the basis for work o f the great hymn writer, Isaac Watts. The Hymn The meaning of this word was derived from the custom of singing praises to mythological deities in the heathen religions. It is basically to be a song o f praise for this is the meaning involved in the Greek word, hunnos. Being a song o f praise, it is therefore to be directed upward toward God and evidences a heart delighted with the relationship which the Creator shares with His creation. This

Toward Biblical

by Richard McNeely

F if t y y o u t h f u l v o ic e s were raised in screams, yells, and even at times a note o f music as they were exhorted, “ Let’s see which group can sing the loudest. Let’s let the older people know that we really love the Lord.” Gymnastics, noises, jazz backgrounds seemingly have become necessities for song services. This combined with some rather trite lyrics lead to a number of questions in light of the Biblical presentation concerning music. Often it has been stated that one should not learn theology from the songs sung in church, but this statement seems to be made with no note of the injunction of Colossians 3:16, “ Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. What is being presented in this article is not a diatribe of present-day songs, but rather a plea for a Biblical program of music in all o f its realms. This is not even to plead for the resurrection of many old music forms or hymns, but that what is being used and sung should be in keeping with the Biblical principles. As a basis for the further presentation, what would be your answer should you be asked, “What is the purpose of the music in the church ?” Having asked this question on a number of occasions, the answers often have been far off from the Biblical

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tament to govern the use of music: (a) speaking, (b) teaching and (c) edifying. If God has desig­ nated these as functions, then it is obligatory that our musical standards be measured by them. Speaking “ Speaking one to another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;” (Eph. 5:19). The famil­ iar words poignantly note that music is the ex­ pression of one who is on intimate terms with Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit of God. This is the contextual setting. The Greek word for speaking used here is lalountes, a present partici­ ple. Being a participle, it further explains what the content of the verb in verse 18 is all about. The present tense emphasizes the continual aspect of speaking. But as important as continually speaking might be, the use o f the verbal form from laleo is also noteworthy. This word is closely connected with another Greek word, lego, to say. With the latter word, the thing of import is that of the sub­ stance of what is said, that is a general presenta­ tion or report. But with laleo, the importance is found in the choice of words which actually convey the utterance. (The reader would find an excellent note on this distinction in W. E. Vine, An Exposi­ tory Dictionary of New Testament Words, Vol. Ill, p. 323). Thus the Bible notes that the words are important and consequently should take precedence over the tune or the many variations in the “beat” which can detract from them. How often this writer has heard of a particular piece of music to be used in the church, “ The beat is nice.” What has this to do with church music? Just this: we are victims o f our times; and we have thought that we should offer music which is enjoy­ able in order to attract people to Christianity. If the same viewpoint were tolerated in the ministry from the pulpit (and it has been), or in missionary enterprise, or in the many facets o f evangelical witness, that witness would disappear overnight. How then can we expect to “ speak” correctly if the words we are trying to convey are distorted in favor of rhythmic patterns, “beat” or some of the cacophony which obliterates the message. Teaching The desire of Charles Wesley in the presenta­ tion o f the first hymnal of the Methodist movement was to teach Christian doctrine through the me­ dium o f the hymn. This is thoroughly consistent with the Scriptures. Most fine hymnals have fol­ lowed this pattern in the editions which have fol­ lowed the Wesleyan lead of 1780. However, in teaching through a hymn, it is im­ portant that we teach God’s truth. If a certain hymn is not doctrinally correct, one should note it

accounts for the use o f the word in the Greek Old Testament as the author of Hebrews quotes Psalm 22 :22 in Hebrews 2:12, “ In the midst o f the assem­ bly, I will sing praises (hymn) to thee.” Early in the liturgy of the church, hymns began to appear. Taking the poetic sections of the early chapters of Luke as a basis, most musicians are familiar with the number o f settings given to The Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55), the Benedictus (Luke 1:68-79), the Gloria (Luke 2:14), and the Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2:29-32). And to these, many others were added. The Spiritual Sony Under this term much of the present-day music is offered to the church. One musician designated this as a “ catch-all” for the many choruses, pop tunes, gospel music which is sung in the church today. Everything which mentions Christ, salva­ tion, the Bible, the Christian joy, the revelation of God in nature, indeed anything with the flavor of Christian “ jargon” is allowed the posture o f being a “ spiritual song.” Songs which seemingly have been composed more to obtain a rhyme than to con­ vey a truth o f the Word o f God are given this status. However, a better rendering of this term “ spir­ itual song” would be “An ode of a spiritual charac­ ter.” It is not the desire to find a category for Christian music that is in mind but rather the thought of the character of the music. It is to be spiritual! John Calvin caught this as he wrote, “ The appellation spiritual, given to these songs, is strikingly inappropriate; for the songs most fre­ quently used are almost always on trifling subjects, and very far from being chaste.” The spiritual song is far from the trite, unscriptural ditties which overflow many o f our songbooks today. Rather, this should be the expression o f the believer who has been filled, led, and taught by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit-filled Christian has a keener appreciation of God’s holiness and salvation than what he finds in much of “ Christian” music. The Functions of Music To some readers, what has been said thus far may border on “ nit-picking,” or to others such a discussion may seem to be irrelevant. But contrary to these views, this writer is of the opinion that we should be aware o f what the Bible has to say about any subject and then be bound to obey it. It is not enough to maintain a Christian viewpoint toward matters that appeal to us, and then offer opinions, express ignorance, or show indifference to those which do not. The authority of the Scriptures should govern every facet of the Christian life: social, devotional, spiritual, and personal. Only three statements are given in the New Tes­



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