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(Frank Carlson is a member and frequent leader o f the Senate Breakfast Group, which meets every Wednesday morning to pray together and ponder the issues of a spiritual heritage. About 20 Senators — o f all denominations and from all parts o f the country — usually are present. For 27 years this writer has attended as the only regular member outside the Senate. What is said at these gather­ ings is generally not for publica­ tion, but the talk made by Senator Carlson on June 19 so impressed his listeners that special permis­ sion was granted for this print­ ing o f excerpts from it. Senator Carlson is retiring at the end o f the current session after 18 years in the Senate. Prior to that he served 12 years in the Hous e o f Representatives and four years as Governor o f the State o f Kansas. — David Law­ rence, Editor.)

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