King's Business - 1969-11

they are transformed as ministers of righteous­ ness, not unrighteousness. The longer we live and the farther this age progresses, the more difficult it will be to distinguish between the true and the false. Some may think that such Satan-inspired sys­ tems have no power since the blessing of God is not upon them. However, Scripture teaches the superhuman power of Satan in working false mira­ cles and in controlling the minds of men. Although he is not omnipotent, he nevertheless has extended power displayed through his Satanic hosts, which he uses it to its fullest extent. Apparent favor is therefore no test of its authenticity. Since we are in the middle of all of this, we may well wonder what effect this has upon us. When we realize the hatred Satan has for God and the lengths to which he has gone to carry out his purposes, it is no wonder the believer is the special object of his attacks. If Satan cannot gain the believer by denial, indifference, or perversion, he will oppose the believer’s service because of his ministry to God. Particularly affected is his vital and vibrant Christian witness. If the believer can be occupied with other things, if he can lose his appreciation for the atoning death of Christ, if his confidence can be undermined that God can still save, then Satan has succeeded. What other

o f this God has said that “ evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (II Tim. 3:13). The world is not getting better, but rather worse, according to the moral standards o f God. The height of such deception is shown by the fact that almost every heresy throughout the church age as well as every modem sect has ap­ pealed to some truth of Scripture. These mis­ guided religious leaders have been impressed by some of the social goals in Scripture and have re­ garded it as a moral book. But again Satan has lost nothing for now error is so mixed with truth that it is difficult to discern the one from the other. Partial truth is now in conflict with the whole truth, which is a delusion that has blinded the minds of the unsaved. Our Lord warned against false teachers and prophets, those used to promote false doctrine. He said, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. . . . Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them” (Matt. 7:15, 20). Sometimes it is difficult to know if such are false teachers since they look so much like, rather than unlike, the original. This is all part o f Satan’s strategy o f deception and counterfeit. Although his messengers speak lies coated with hypocrisy,

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