King's Business - 1969-11

* a m e s s a g e f r o m t h e e d i t o r



I N t h e J u l y 4, 1969 e d it io n of the Los Angeles Times appeared an article entitled, “ Terrible Trio’s Smoking Death Rate Told.” These shocking facts were included: “ 20 cigarette smokers die of lung cancer for every non-smoker that dies of the disease; twice as many smokers die of heart disease and 7 out of 10 cases of em­ physema and chronic bronchitis are due to cigarettes.” This “ Ter­ rible Trio” of statistics was handed to press representatives by the three largest United States volunteer health societies: Cancer So­ ciety, Heart Association, and TB and Respiratory Disease Associa­ tion. The Vice-President of the Los Angeles Heart Association stated that the biggest health problem in the United States is cig­ arette smoking. He declared: “ It causes more than 300,000 excess deaths every year—that is, deaths caused by smoking—and about half of these are heart deaths.” These three organizations are lead­ ers in the movement to ban all cigarette advertising on television and radio and in newspapers and magazines throughout the coun­ try. The report stated: “The most insidious effect of cigarette advertising is that it undermines educational programs trying to persuade young people not to start smoking . . . About 4,000 youngsters in the United States start to smoke every day . . . Tell­ ing boys and girls that if they smoke, they are likely to suffer from, or die from, emphysema, heart disease or lung cancer doesn’t carry much weight compared to the cigarette advertising that makes cigarette smoking and smokers appear glamorous, sophisti­ cated and mature.” Of all the hellish programs being foisted on the American peo­ ple, one o f the worst is the program of the cigarette industry—all for the sake o f the “ almighty dollar.” The cigarette companies are knowingly, deliberately, and wilfully sending 300,000 to a premar ture death every year. Even before they die, these victims of the above-named diseases caused by cigarettes, cost the public multi­ plied millions of dollars every year for the upkeep of sanitariums, hospitals, rest homes and other places where they must await their tragic end. The victims themselves are to be more pitied than con­ demned because those who are dying now in most instances were not informed in regard to the lethal aspects o f the insidious habit of smoking. The ones to be condemned are the cigarette companies, the various news media which carry the advertising of the cigarette dealers, and the various executive branches of the government who are afraid of supporting legislation to ban the devilishly deceitful advertising that glamorizes the deadly cigarette. Tobacco grow­ ers and their lobbies too must bear their share of blame. Think of

R e le v a n c e

THE CASE FOR BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY by E. J . Carnell edited by Ronald H. Nash A stirring collection of the finest articles and essays written by Professor Carnell over a twenty-year period. Includes thought­ ful, stimulating and provocative essays on theology, philosophy of religion, ethics, ecumenism, fundamentalism, separatism, and other topics of contemporary interest, always within the framework of positive, evangelical Christian faith. 176 Pages, Paper, $3.50 Edward John Carnell, formerly professor of Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion at Gordon Divinity School, and past president of Fuller Theological Seminary, died in April, 1967. Carnell authored eight books, including An Introduction to Christian Apolo­ getics, A Philosophy of the Christian Religion, and Christian Commitment. ‘ 'Dr. Carnell was one of evangelical Protestantism’s most gifted younger minds . . . (who) effectively displayed the power and relevance of evan­ gelical orthodoxy.” — CHR ISTIAN ITY TODAY Ronald Nash is professor of Philosophy and head of the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Western Kentucky University.

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