King's Business - 1969-11


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graces. The author, who is the w ife o f the Dean o f the Faculty at Moody Bible Institute, deals with subjects which would embrace not only home and social engagements, but also gen­ eral business courtesy, public speak­ ing, and parliamentary etiquette. It is well to remember, as Mrs. Martin suggests, that we as believers are “ epistles . . . known and read o f all men.” — 256 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $3.95. For the minister who is search­ ing for variety in material for use at funerals, this manual will be a helpful source. It provides read­ ings, illustrations and sermon outlines which fulfill the purpose of stimulating the minister “ to prepare and deliver a fresh, vig­ orous message at every funeral” he conducts. — 89 pages; cloth; Baker Book House; $2.95. Re­ viewed by Dr. Glenn O’Neal. MINISTER’S FUNERAL MANUAL by Samuel Ward Hutton


This book is what the title indi­ cates. It is the testimony o f one o f America’s greatest preachers o f the Word. Marshalling the evidence o f the Scriptures’ own testimony to their authority and inerrancy and the effect o f the authoritative preach­ ing o f the Word upon the lives and hearts o f men, Dr. Criswell bares his heart in a plea fo r the centrality and absolute necessity o f a belief in the truthfulness o f the Bible. Although intended as a defense o f the Bible, this book is much more. In warding off criticism lodged against the vari­ ous aspects o f the Bible, whether scientific or doctrinal, the author pro­ claims the teaching o f the W ord in these areas thus providing many b rie f doctrinal studies. Numerous references and illustrations from the W ord o f God and from life, includ­ ing Pastor Criswell’s own experi­ ences, make this book move with ex­ citement and vitality o f the Word. While exception may be taken to some o f the interpretations, such as miracles, where the author includes nature’s “ resurrection in the spring” (p. I l l ) , the work is a veritable gold mine o f Biblical truth. A t a time when many preachers have left the preaching o f the Word and others are being led to doubt its relevance fo r our day, this book could be read profitably by every minister seeking to bring his people into confrontation with the W ord from God. Its inter­ esting and easy style with lucid ex­ planation commend this book also to all members o f the church who are in the final analysis responsible fo r the church and its leaders. — 160 pages; Broadman Press, Nashville, Tennessee; $3.50. — Reviewed by Robert Saucy.

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In a day o f changing standards there is still a need fo r Christian concern relative to various social




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