Biola Broadcaster - 1973-08







President . . .

Managing Editor. . .




The Establishment






Charles l_. Feinberg

Panel Discussions






Psalm 27







16 22

What Happened to the Word Concern? Dick mills

Three Kinds of Love . Masuml Toyotome













Lloyd T . Anderson

Freeway Thinking Ernie Pelrson






*Edited Biola Ho u r Radio messages

Cover: Signal Mountain in the Tetons by Dr. George F. Potter

The Broadcaster is mailed monthly to members of the Biola Fellowship. See page 11 for coupon and further information. Production: Janice Wilson Student Photographer: K irk Potter W HEN REQUESTING EXTRA COPIES OF THE B IO LA BROADCASTER, PLEASE ALLOW T IM E FOR DELIVERY.

Second Class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Penn Litho­ graphies, Inc., Whittier, California. Address: Biola Broadcaster, 13800 Bioia Avenue, La Mirada, California 90639.

Youmaybeinterested . . . There are brochures available for your use in introducing the college and seminary programs to friends or rela­ tives. Please address your request to the Public Informa­ tion office. We will be happy to mail you a copy! Music Communications Missions General Information: Admissions Nursing Christian Education (Masters program) Catalog Supplements We are also planning to include a new Physical Science Major designed to give a student some breadth in the physical sciences. It emphasizes chemistry, physics, and mathematics. The program will also stress the relation­ ship of the facts of physical science to the literal inter­ pretation of scripture. A student within the major may emphasize biochemistry, chemistry, or physics. The most active areas of research, such as geochemis­ try, biophysics, biochemistry, and environmental science, cross major departmental lines and a flexible interde­ partmental training is needed for work in these fields. The physical science major will also serve as prepara­ tion for teaching in secondary schools and as pre-pro­ fessional training for the medical or technical fields. Biola Fellowship Wills and Estates

Page 3


" But let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner" (I Corinthians 14:30, NASB). "For this reason I left you in Crete, that you might set in order what remains, and ap­ point elders in every city as I directed you" (Titus 1:5, NASB). Just as customs and manners un­ dergo changes in the course of this history of cultures, so does termi­ nology. Time honored words and concepts sometimes fall on bad days. Witness the pejorative change of Knabe (lad, youth) to knave (rascal). There was a day when the word establishment was a dignified term with much historical back­ ground, politically and ecclesiasti­ cally, to commend it. Today it is used with a sense of guilt as though it were an obscene word. This met­ amorphosis deserves study, espe­

cially as it relates to the institution of the church. The major establish­ ments of the western world that are under attack are (1) the insti­ tutions of higher learning, (2) the economic structure, (3) the home, (4) the government, and (5) the church. When we hear the cry to destroy the establishment, we have to consider whether the outburst is justified and whether the organ­ izations under attack are worth saving. As a preliminary observa­ tion it is worth remarking that those bent on destruction of the order are happy to avail themselves of an established order, so that they can pursue their own objectives. What if others, equally adventure­ some, decided to disestablish what they have begun to disestablish? The primary interest for us is the matter of the church. So much has been said, and is still being said, against the established or institu-

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LISHMENT" tional church, that many feel a sense of guilt in still being related to it. It is almost out of fashion to belong. Let it be affirmed at once that right-minded Christians have never looked with favor on the state of living "at ease in Zion." To defend the organized church is not to be blind to its many shortcom­ ings. The Lord Himself when on earth foretold that the church would witness a mingling of true and false. Those who are deserting the established church do not pro­ claim loudly or otherwise that they have at last found that which is more relevant, meaningful, or the summum bonum. An institution is the embodiment of the cause it promotes. No one wants to plead for institutions for institutions' sake. There are those of the younger generation (and they are not the on­ ly antiestablishmentarians) whose aim is to destroy institutions. Being too immature, they have neither the insight nor the means to re­ build and replace. Do they even manifest the will to build another viable culture or other institutions? Personal independence is the prize they will not readily relinquish. If the establishment is in the way of full realization of personal unlim­ ited freedom, then it must go. All ethics and morals are relative, to be judged by the predilection of the moment (situation ethic with a vengeance). For them specific time and place are not essential for wor­ ship. The well-known cliché: "I can worship as well in the out­ doors as in a church" needs only the question, "But do you?" to de­ molish its false facade. The immature reason that de­ pendence is a mark of servitude and independence is a sign of ma­ turity, never realizing that the great­ est growth is achieved when we Page 5

Dr. Feinberg presenting David McNeff with the Charles Lee Feinberg Award for Schol­ arship. Dave also received the Baker Book Award for highest grade point average.

realize our interdependence. Re­ sponsibility is an important ingre­ dient in interpersonal relationships. Among young iconoclasts are those with definite revolutionary tenden­ cies. Violence and destruction are ready weapons in their arsenal. Feeling their economic, political, and social impotence, they lash out with almost blind fury. To take ov­ er private property of institutions or to burn and bomb is all part of the necessities of the game. Laws that condemn such actions are rid­ iculed and disdained. It is naively overlooked that laws, even those poorly observed, are better than no laws at all. The revolutionary feels that chaos is the best setting for creative activity, whereas order is the proper milieu. Social institutions are the special target of some humanists on the ground that establishments tend to make people less human, to de­ personalize them. Organizations by their very nature place the institu­ tion above the individual. So the work of the humanist is laid out for him: he must save man from institutions. Man is the absolute to be rescued at all costs. Such self- expression issues in narcissism (see Warren Carr, At the Risk of Idol­ atry, Judson Press, 1972). Some hu­ manists even oppose the marriage institution because they claim it violates the integrity of their per­ sonality. This is a transparent excuse to avoid individual responsibility in a partnership which can work for the highest good of the indi­ viduals involved. He who is look­ ing for a scapegoat never has far to seek. In the case of the institution of the church perhaps the worst den- igrator is the unbiblical clergyman.

He believes the salvation of the church lies in delivering it from all organization. He sets up a false, unscriptural dichotomy between Christ and the local institution, the church. The same Scriptures, which magnify the Lord Jesus Christ, pro­ claim clearly that He builds His church, that is, His body, and ov­ ersees its establishment in definite and specific localities around the world. Else how do we explain the fact that so many New Testament epistles bear the names of places, Rome, Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colosse, and Thessaloni- ca, to say nothing of the seven churches of the Revelation? Of course, the personal be|ieving rela­ tionship of the individual to Christ is paramount, but where will this spiritual fruitage be garnered? Time and place, demanding an estab­ lishment, are needed. The incident is apropos of the church member who informed his pastor that he would not be present the follow­ ing Sunday for divine worship, but would be there in spirit. To this the minister correctly responded, "And where would you like your spirit to sit?" Once for all, that which is visible and tangible, as we shall see presently, is not per se under the condemnation of God. To believe such is to prepare one­ self for an abundant entrance into unvarnished Gnosticism. If the Scriptures teach anything, they indicate that faith needs vis­ ible symbols. In the Old Testament economy it was the tabernacle and the temple. Mind you, these were initiated by God and Him alone. Moses was warned not to inject human ingenuity, but to follow ex­ plicitly the pattern shown him in the mount. In the New Testament, Page 7

notice that deity becomes incar­ nate in Jesus of Nazareth, the eter­ nal God the Son; too, the memor­ ial feast that celebrates His death, resurrection, and return. Even Is­ lam, which appears to be so vehe­ mently opposed to symbols which might foster idolatry, has, nonethe­ less, its Kaaba Stone at Mecca. Even a cursory perusal of the pastoral epistles of the New Testament re­ veals an emphasis on orderliness, government, and organization. Those who keep advocating the church in the home, as in the home of John Mark in the early church, have seriously failed to see the de­

velopment of the body of Christ from the days of Christ's earthly ministry to the time of the pastoral epistles. Cod is ever more inter­ ested in cosmos than chaos, in or­ der than in disarray. The established church is not like Santa Claus, an indispensable evil that must be tolerated and lived with. Thank Cod that the spiritual community of the re­ deemed, the body of Christ, is meant to live and propagate the faith in localities in organizations. It has been so in the first century, is now, and ever will be until the rapture.

Fred West is a student at Talbot Seminary.

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Q. Bakersfield, Calif. " Please com­ ment on I John 2:11 which states that if we hate our brother we are not walking in the light. How does one define 'hate'? Is it simply the opposite of love?" A. The word "hate" used in Scrip­ ture actually means "love-less" when used in connection with our relationship to the Lord. This is seen in Luke 14:26 where we read, "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple." Christ used that word "hate" in a far different sense than we do to­ day. He certainly did not have in mind contempt, bitterness, anger, jealousy, or any vituperative spirit that represents man's hatred for his fellow man. If we would come

to Christ and be totally yielded to Him, we have to love everything and everybody less than we love Him. Here in I John 2:11 we do find the warning against hating or des­ pising someone else. We have been called to walk in the light. For this reason, our lives should be characterized by love for the breth­ ren. Most of the problems we face today are a result of our feelings toward others. Let us examine our inner feelings in the light of God's Word and make certain that we are not guilty of hatred. If there is such a spirit within us, confess it to the Lord, and ask Him, through the Holy Spirit, to fill our hearts with love. Q. Yakima, Wash. "Can a person become a Christian and then lose his salvation? I have a friend who Page 9

used to profess Christ as Saviour but now she says that she does not even believe in Cod. I John 2:19 makes me wonder if this person was actually ever born again." A. We can be thankful that we do not have to judge the inner mo­ tives and feelings of others. Every­ one has to answer for himself be­ fore the Lord. It is one thing to profess salvation, but quite another situation to possess eternal life through personal faith in Christ. We have the assurance from verses such as John 3:16, 5:24, 10:28-30; Romans 10:9, 10; Ephesians 2:8, 9 that we do possess the promise of everlasting life. There are no later conditions given us to declare that at some time in the future we may lose this glorious and most bene­ ficial of all life's transactions. One cannot be born and then unborn, anymore than he can be saved and then unsaved. Once you are adopted into the family of God, through personal faith, you remain that way, a child of God possessing eternal life. Q. Lapeer, Mich. " I pray a lot and yet I never get any miraculous an­ swers like some of the people I hear about. Am I doing something wrong?" A. In prayer we need to use what intelligence God has given, acting upon the very best judgment which we have. Our responsibility is to trust the Lord. We do not always need to look for the miraculous. Actually, when you get right down to it, considering all the disease, drunken drivers, and criminals in the world, it is a miracle that God gives us another day to live for Him. Our business is to

commit our plans, purposes, and ourselves wholly to Him. Let Him do that which is well-pleasing in His sight. Remember, after prayer, your answer will come and it will be one which will ultimately be to the glory of the Father and the Son. Q. Newton, Kan. " I have always thought that if one was not a Chris- than it did not matter how much he sinned because he would go to hell anyway. Then I heard that there are possibly degrees of ever­ lasting punishment. Is that true?" A. The passage to which you refer quotes our Lord in Luke 12: 47, 48. Here He speaks of being beaten with many stripes and with few stripes. The illustration is used to show that the more one knows and sins against the light he has been given, the greater the punishment to be inflicted upon him. Indeed, in the judgment of unredeemed sinners in hell, there most certainly will be degrees of punishment. Q. San Diego, Calif. "Would you please explain Matthew 16:18 where the Lord tells Peter that the church is to be built upon him?" A. In the context, Peter has an­ swered Christ's question, "Whom do you say that I am?" He rightly declares, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." While Pet­ er's name means "little rock," it was not upon him that the Lord was going to build His church, but upon the object of Peter's confes­ sion. This is what we must under­ stand. Without question, Peter himself did not expect that the church would be built upon him. This is seen by reading his sermon

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on the day of Pentecost. We real­ ize this, too, from his two epistles which are full of the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is the One who is the Chief Cornerstone. The church today cannot and must not be built upon any man, except the Saviour Himself. Q. Portland, Ore. " How did Paul, who was a )ew, become a Roman citizen?" A. Acts 22:25-28 shows that this was a result of the empire in exis­ tence in those days. Paul was a Jew, born in Tarsus, of a Jewish father who had somehow received Roman citizenship. Such a relation­ ship was granted to an individual by either being born in Rome, by purchase, or by imperial grant through bestowal. As an example, Philippi was one of the areas of special relationship to the Roman government. At one stage of his­ tory, because of their devotion and loyalty to the Roman authorities, this particular city was adopted so that all of its people were con­ sidered Roman citizens. Paul, born of a Jewish father who had gotten this grant from the imperial gov­ ernment, was also a Roman citizen. Q. Vancouver, B.C. " I believe that there is a lack of genuine fellow­ ship in most churches today. What can be done about this?" A. Your observation, unfortunately, is very sad but true. Christians are often so busy that they do not have time for proper relationships with others. Then, too, there are many who attend church who have interests which are almost totally worldly. At one time, the social life of Christians revolved around

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Dr. Chase presenting Donald O. Erickson, D.D.S. with honorary degree. Dr. Erickson addressed the June graduating class on the subject, “Stewardship of Life."

the church. It is different now, and there are few who fully heed such exhortations as we have in He­ brews 10:25. As far as what can be done, we can certainly do our part by setting an example, and perhaps encour­ aging others to do the same. There are great blessings in real fellow­ ship with others in the things of the Lord. Q. Ferndale, Mich. " Why did Jesus have so many enemies while He was on earth? It seems everyone should have returned the great love He had for them all." A. Your assumption is certainly cor­ rect, but unfortunately, because of the sinfulness of the human heart, it just does not happen that way. The Bible tells us that men love darkness rather than light be­ cause their deeds are evil. Christ is the light of the world anc^ as such shows up the evil that is so prevalent everywhere. Those who are living in sin do not like to be in the presence of virtuous or god­ ly people. This is what Scripture refers to as "the offense of the cross." Q. Spokane, Wash. "Do you feel that it was right for Rahab to dis­ obey the king's orders and let the two spies she sheltered escape?" A. This account is found in Joshua 2:5, 6. The basis for right and mor­ ality cannot be what we see others do, or even what we may think is the proper avenue of conduct. The only proper standard to consider must rest squarely on the character and the will of Cod. We must do what the Lord commands and not what men say. Cod unmistakably

glorified Himself in choosing a na­ tion from Abraham. He saw to it that they came into existence, giv­ ing them a land of their own. Later He brought them out of oppression in Egypt through mighty miracles. He wanted His chosen people to have what was rightfully theirs (Genesis 12:7). Rahab went by faith for she knew this was a time when it was better to obey the Lord than man. Q. Walla Walla, Wash. "Are the Ten Commandments relevant to­ day, or do they only apply to the age of law? Are any of these Ten Commandments listed in the New Testament?" A. The Old Testament law had three phases: moral, spiritual and civil. The moral law transcends all dis­ pensations and is found in the New Testament where nine out of the Ten Commandments are spe­ cifically referred to. (The only one not mentioned is the fourth, "Re­ member the sabbath day to keep it holy.") Yes, the moral law is true today, just aswhen it was first given. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. "What was a Nazarite and are there still such people today?" A. You may be sure that it was not just someone who came from the city of Nazareth where Jesus grew up. This word has its connec­ tion in the original with separa­ tion. It spoke of someone who was distinctly set apart for a certain type of testimony to Cod. The first mention of a Nazarite is in Num­ bers 6:1ff. Here we find no rela­ tionship to any one tribe. The vow included that the individual was not to drink wine or strong drink,

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not to allow a razor to come to his head, and was to abstain from what was levitically unclean. To be a Nazarite was a sign to the world that the man or woman was en­ tirely devoted to the Lord. The lifestyle set him apart in this fash­ ion. In a beautiful way, this is a type of our Lord Jesus Christ who was set apart for our own sins in providing redemption. There are not any Nazarites today as we do not have the mosaic civil law which bound these people. It has been fulfilled. Q. Santa Cruz, Calif. "/ believe that Christ is Cod. But, in His hu­ manity, how can He identify with all human problems since He lived to be only 33 and never married?" A. It is not necessarily true that in order to identify with all human problems one must experience each one. Such difficulties we in­ dividually face go along certain specific lines. Hebrews 4:14 tells us that Christ understands all of our problems and infirmities. He had experiences and was tempted in life in all of these main avenues of involvement. Yet He was with­ out sin, either in nature or in deed. Remember, too, that the quality of life is much more important than the length of it. None of us will ever know what Christ suffered as He saw sin's ravages upon the hu­ man race. He did not have to experience every situation to un­ derstand. Never forget that Jesus Christ was Deity as well as human. Luke tells us that Christ grew in wisdom, stature, knowledge and in favor with Cod and man. That is, He grew intellectually, physi­ cally, socially and spiritually. But from all eternity, He was one with

the Father and the Holy Spirit. The understanding of these things takes our step of faith to embrace them fully. They go infinitely beyond our reason. Take it by faith. Q. Fresno, Calif. "Many people in Communist countries have been martyred for the cause of Christ. Will they then receive the prom­ ise of Revelation 6:11?" A. No, because this is the assured privilege reserved exclusively for the Tribulation saints (Revelation 6:9-11; 7-9, 13-14). Any who have been martyred in past years, even back to the resurrection of Christ, belong to His body, and will be resurrected at the time of the Rap­ ture. We, with them, will be with the Lord Jesus in the heavenlies at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. This will be during the period of time that the Tribulation is taking place upon the earth. Q. San Bernardino, Calif. "Can a Christian be demon-possessed?" A. Jesus promised to give us, as a result of His prayers, "another Comforter" (John 14:16, 17). Be­ cause of this, we are actually Holy Spirit—possessed and indwelt. For this reason, a real believer cannot equally be demon-possessed. That does not mean that a Christian can­ not be harrassed, oppressed or per­ secuted by Satan, especially if he goes out of the will of God. It is one thing to yield and allow Satan to control while it is quite another to have Satan in total possession. The latter is not a possible picture for a believer.

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Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek." How do we answer God's gracious invitations? He is calling. He offers, "Seek ye my face." To be perfectly honest, there are many times when we may answer Cod by saying, “ I am awfully sorry, but I am too busy. There is no time right now. Perhaps later in the day, or maybe I can do it tonight." You see, it is one thing to say with your mouth that you want to seek the Lord and yet it is quite another to do it actually with the heart. Re­ gardless of what others might do, David was avowing that he would individually seek the Lord. This whole section reminds us of the pre-eminent fact that God is w ill­ ing and does desire to be known. Jeremiah 29:13 also reminds us, "And ye shall seek me, and find

Coming to verse seven, we enter the second section of this portion of Scripture, the tribulation of the saints. Here is a prayer filled with agony and pathos. David had the experiences which readily come. We have seen the spiritual pendu­ lum swing from praise now to prayer. Notice what the Psalmist is declaring, “ Have mercy also upon me." I am glad he did not set the pattern by asking for justice. When as Cod's children, we fail, the one thing we need desperately is mer­ cy. The reason for this is that mercy implies failure. The difficulty is that too often we do not commune with the Lord, agonizing in prayer. We are more interested, naturally, in His blessings. The rest of the time we fret and worry. Notice the gracious invitation of verse eight, “When thou saidst,

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one iota. The problem is 100% with us. David's prayer might be translated, "Do not let go of your hold upon me!" Now for a moment, in verse ten, we find perhaps one of the most interesting statements in the entire chapter. David observes, "When my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up." It is interesting to consider the rela­ tionships of our human progeni­ tors. I think of an essay on parents which was written by a child. A part of it declared, "The trouble with parents today is that when we get them, they are so old that they are very hard to change!" That is quite an observation, is it not? What did David mean when he suggested that his father and moth­ er would forsake him? Some Bible scholars have felt that he might be Page 17

me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." We find something very signifi­ cant in verse nine. David, after such a union, strangely prays, "Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neith­ er forsake me, O God of my salva­ tion." Have you ever felt in your life as though there might be some­ thing of an eclipse of God you are experiencing? Life is cold. The Sav­ iour seems far from you. You do not know which way to turn. You may even be doubting the very reality of Christianity and perhaps even the existence of God. If it is any comfort, there is no need to wonder where God has gone. He has not moved. He does not orbit around us. He is right where He has always been. He has not moved

Dr. Chase leads commencement procession. Behind him are Donald Erickson, Leonie Soubirou (she received honorary Doctory of Science), and College faculty members Dr. James Henry and Mr. Jack Schwarz.

referring to the death of his par­ ents. That is possible. More than this, however, he is suggesting that this could be the ultimate loneli­ ness. Naturally speaking, parents would be the last ones to leave their own children. This envisions the last desolation. Yet, God is al­ ways there. He will never leave or forsake us. Verse 11 is a continuation of this saints' prayer. It is profitable for closer study. He petitions, "Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies." Notice that David does not ask for his own way. Is it not true that if we were honest, quite frequently our prayers would in essence sound like, "Lord, here are all my plans; will you please bless them?" Then we wonder why we are miserable and have frustrations. It does not work that way. It is God's path and only He can reveal it to us in His own time and pur­ pose. He wants to lead us on and He will do so unerringly, unfalter­ ingly, unhesitatingly, unwavering­ ly, if we will only let Him! David looks out upon his past and realizes the assured deliver­ ance of the Lord over the years. His heart is made confident again. There will be deliverance. We can see here the picture of his courage and determination. "Deliver me not over unto the will of mine en­ emies." We, as God's children, are not to pray that we might have easy lives, but rather that the Lord would make us stronger men and women. It is simply short-sighted to pray for tasks equal to our pow­ er. What we should really be inter­ ested in is power equal to our tasks! Look at the world today. There

is no mistaking. There are untold difficulties and problems which we all have to face. Here in Psalm 27:13 I think we find or own sit­ uation. Would you not say with David, "I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." What he is saying is that he would have utterly collapsed unless he had believed God. This is always the way it is. You must believe in order to see. Peter reminds us, "Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory" (I Peter 1:8). It is sad but true that faintness of heart is a very common ailment for many people. Look at all the things around us. Consider the corruption in every strata of soci­ ety and government. Think of the lawlessness and the utter contempt some people have for police offic­ ials. And where would we begin to comment on the immorality and sexual debauchery which plagues our land? Now, you look at these things and think, "What is the use?" The truth of the matter is, as the Lord Jesus taught us, "Men ought always to pray, and not faint." It is easy to "throw in the sponge." God wants us to move on for Him. We need to set, as our pattern, men like Moses. The Bible says that the patriarch en­ dured. He did not faint when things got rough. He endured as seeing Him who is invisible. We need to hang on, seeing God who is only visible through the eye of faith. The word "faith" can be spelled with the words, "Forsaking All / Trust Him." There may be some things that Page 19

are going to cause you to faint if you are not careful. A bad atmos­ phere can cause a faintness. South­ ern California can often be envel­ oped in a dense smog. All sorts of restrictions and legislations have been passed but the fact endures that the smog remains and is even worse with each passing year. There are a lot of Christians who are in a smog spiritually. Such an atmosphere can cause us to be critical and cynical, always finding fault with things. There are even those who would treat the things of the Lord with levity. Do not be involved in that kind of atmos­ phere. I recall hearing my wife warn me on occasion, as we have been out travelling on the road, "If I do not get some food, I am going to faint." Have you ever felt that way? A lack of proper nourishment may cause you to feel faint. How well- nourished are we, spiritually speak­ ing? Some of us have not only fainted, but also we have nearly expired. It has been so long since we were on a proper, balanced diet of Cod's Word. One may also faint from discouragement, seeing all of the problems and difficulties on every hand. If we do not trust the Lord, it can be devastating. Then, one can faint through chas­ tisement. Scripture admonishes us, "My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him." Disciplining is necessary and we should learn to accept it as given in love from the hand of the Lord. Now, no doubt you have used this last verse in seeking the Lord's leading at some point in your life. No doubt you have heard other people quote it, too. There is a

very pertinent message for us to­ day to understand. David urges us, "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." Do you know, I find waiting is one of the hardest things in all of the world any of us have to do. When I was a boy growing up I well remember how long it was to wait until Christmas. It just seemed like the calendar and all time slowed down when it came to that season. Then, in later years, I think back to how long it seemed before I could get my driver's license and how interminable it was before I got my first car (that 1934 Plymouth coupe with a rumble seat in the back). I can also think back to an extensive wait of three days. That was how long it took Margaret, af­ ter I had proposed to her, to make up her mind that she would marry me. I know, it was only three days, but it seemed an eternity. Have you ever had to wait for someone or for something? I have been in doctors' offices where I have just about exhausted all hope of getting to see the busy physician. Waiting for more than an hour can make one quite impatient. When I called for an appointment with my eye doctor, he said it would be four months before he could see me. Just too busy, too many people wanting his services. All of these things seem as noth­ ing when compared to waiting on the Lord. And this is what is really necessary. And, oh how valuable are these lessons to be learned. Things are revealed to us some­ times only by patience. There is a real purpose behind it, although it is not easy. In James 1:4 we have a good explanation for this situa-

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responsibility is to turn it all over to Him unreservedly. His responsi­ bility, then, is to keep it. If, but one message, I would leave behind One single word of courage for my kind, It would be this: "Oh brother, sister, friend Whatever life may bring, whatever God may send. . . No matter whether clouds lift soon or late, Take heart and wait."

tion as we are exhorted, "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be spiritually mature and complete, lacking nothing." Like children, we want what we want, when we want it! Hebrews 10:36 is a verse of scripture that my wife and I took when we first married as Biola students. It has re­ mained a text of importance and meaning throughout our 25 years of being together. Let me share it with you: "For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of Cod, ye might receive the promise." Isaiah 40:30 affirms, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." That is what David is saying too. "Be of good courage is saying, too. "Be of good cour­ age and He shall strengthen thine heart." You see how Scripture co­ incides with Scripture? Although there were different human writers yet there is the same divine Author, the Holy Spirit. How unfortunate and foolish a man is to take confi­ dence in the laws and forces of nature, while yet forsaking the time or opportunity to place his confi­ dence wholly in the Lord. Scripture says, "Cursed by every man who trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord." To wait means to comply with the conditions of God's promises. The Lord Jesus taught us that men ought always to pray and not to faint. The fact of the matter is that a prayerless man cannot be said to be waiting on the Lord. In Psalm 37:5 we read, "Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and he shall bring it to pass." God can only keep that which you are willing to commit to Him. Your

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what happened to the word - w ~ //-> concern ?

Christ's concern covered the en­ tire span of His earthly experience. When Lazarus died He was con­ cerned and gave the dead man life. When the sinful woman was condemned He was concerned and forgave her. When the temple was dirty He was concerned and cleansed it. When the Pharisees judged and accused He was concerned and warned them. When the unclean lepers cried for healing He was concerned and cured them. When the thief was dying beside Him on the Cross He was con­ cerned and took him to heaven with Him. Christ spelled CONCERN with capital letters.

The heart of the apostle Paul beat with his Lord's concern. He was so concerned for his people that he was willing to take their place in hell if by doing so Isaac's children could have his place in heaven. For the Gentiles his concern was just as deep. The anguish of Paul's cry, "Woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!" (I Corinthians 9:16) reveals the strong pulse of this man of concern. The first century Church was concerned about the lost in Sa­ maria and the hungry in Jerusalem. The Church prayed and sent out anointed witnesses across Asia and Europe. Like her Lord she spelled CONCERN with large letters. The nineteenth century Church was concerned and sent men across Asia and Europe. Like her Lord she

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By DR. DICK HILLIS General Director Overseas Crusades, Inc. Palo Alto, California

spelled CONCERN with large let­ ters. The nineteenth century Church was concerned and sent men across every ocean in search of lost mul­ titudes. Hear them! "Give me Scotland or I die." "I feel as if I cannot go on living if I cannot reach the millions in the vast inland provinces of China." These are the heart sounds of men who spell CONCERN with capital letters. Today concern is a word infre­ quently uttered, almost never heard and seldom practiced. The starv­ ing, sick, enslaved, suffering, lost and dying are everywhere. Their number increases by 34 million every year. Is anyone deeply con­ cerned? There is little evidence. What happened to the word?

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Who put this beautiful word to death? Was she poisoned with the soft drink of selfishness? Or was she strangled by the clutching grasp of materialism? Was she smothered by a heavy blanket of indifference? In what coffin did they lay her? Is there a thread of hope she might be revived? In answering these questions I condemn myself. I had a part in her death. You also had a part. We were her pallbearers. But the cas­ ket is not yet closed and there is hope. We must pray that "the love of Christ" which flows silently and smoothly like liquid mercury might fill our empty hearts with compas­

sion and concern. We want God's compassion for needy men. We desire the great Shepherd's compassion for lost sheep. We desperately need a com­ passion that weeps. A healing com­ passion. A helping compassion. A working compassion that spells CONCERN with capital letters. "If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Go in peace, be warmed and be filled'; and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body; what use is that? Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself" (James 2:15-17, N.A.S.B.).

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Steve Vanderbilt (I.) and Nancy Ashford in marine biology class lab project.

Cathy Hersh is one of the students enrolled in the education major who works with children in tutoring programs in local schools.


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ATHLETIC AWARDS '73 RON JOHNSON (I.): Al Barbour Award for All-Around Athlete; DAVE ZEHRING: Clyde Cook Award (Academic) for Highest GPA; RICK WILLIAMS: Frosh Athlete of the Year tied with MARK SCHROCK. TIM GOBLE: Biola Bench Award.

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TOP: Burt Norcross from the Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology, one of many visiting career seminar lecturers for recent Career Day. BOTTOM: Steve Schwepker, part-time Sports Information Director and full-time student at the College, going over stats after a game.



Kinds of LOVE Do\bu Want?


There is hardly a person in the world who does not want to be loved. The security and satisfac­ tion of being loved by some one is basic to a happy life. Yet, we know very little about love or how to seek it. Rarely are we told in understandable terms what love is. Not many have at­ tended a class on love or read a helpful book on it. This most im­ portant, indispensable thing in life has been strangely neglected in our education. There are at least three kinds of love. It may be helpful to discuss these three kinds of love. One's happiness may depend on which of these kinds one is seeking.

I. THE "IF" KIND OF LOVE The first is what I call the "if" kind of love. It is the love which will be given to us "if" we meet certain requirements. "If you are good, father will love you." "If you give me gifts, I will love you." "If you become successful and impor­ tant, I will love you." "If you prom­ ise to marry me, I will give you my love." "If you come up to my ex­ pectations as a husband, I will be your faithful wife." This is the most common kind of love, and some may not know any other kind, it is love with strings attached, the conditional love, the love offered in exchange for something the lov­ er wants. Its motivation is selfish; Page 37

its purpose is to gain something in exchange for love. The cheapest form of this kind of love is what we often meet in cheap movies, magazines, and nov­ els. "If you satisfy my desire, I will love you." Many people, especially young people, do not realize that the love they expect to win from someone by satisfying his or her sexual demand is a cheap form which cannot satisfy them and is not worth the price. Amnon, one of the sons of David, was attracted to his good-looking half sister, Ta­ mar. He pretended to be sick and contrived to have her attend to him in his room. One day he took hold of her and said, "Come lie with me, my sister." But she answered him, "No, my brother, do not force me; for such a thing is not done in Israel; do not do this wanton folly." Nevertheless, he would not listen to her; but being stronger than she, he forced her and lay with her. Then Amnon hated her exceeding­ ly, so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her (II Samuel 13:1-15). This form of love is so selfish that it quickly turns into hate in both partners. Many marriages break up be­ cause they are founded on this "if" kind of love. The young bride or the groom is often in love, not with the real, actual personality of the partner, but with an imaginary, glorified, romantic image. When disillusionment sets in and the ex­ pectations are not met, the former love turns into hate. Tragically, it may not have been their fault; they may not have known that there was any love other than the "if" kind of love. We are all looking for something

more than the "if" kind of love. II. THE "BECAUSE" KIND OF LOVE The second kind of love is what I call the "because" kind of love. In this love the person is loved be­ cause of something he is, some­ thing he has, or something he does. There is a quality or condition in a person which makes someone love him. "I love you because you are so lovely." "I love you because you are so good to me." "I love you because you are so different from others, so popular, so weal­ thy, so famous, etc." "I love you because you give me security." We often love some person because of some lovable quality we see in him or because in some way he has won our love. This may be preferable to the "if" type of love. The "if" love which has to be earned would be such a burden, but it would be good to be loved because of what we are. If someone would love us as we are, we would not have to work so hard to be loved. It would put us at ease, knowing there is already something in us for which we are being loved. To be loved this way, however, soon becomes no better than try­ ing to win the "if" kind of love. Since it feels so good to have peo­ ple love us because of what we are, and seeking the growing feel­ ing of importance we get as more and more people love us this way, we strive endlessly to add to our circle of admirers. Now if someone else should come along who has more of the lovable quality than we do, we would be afraid that those who love us would love this newcomer more. Thus competition and endless effort to win love en-

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ters into our lives. The baby of the family resents the coming of anoth­ er baby. The popular girl resents the new pretty girl in town. The young man resents another fellow with a flashier car. The wife resents the attractive, efficient secretary. Where is there security in this kind of love? “ Perfect love casteth out fear," the Bible says (I John 4:18). Then this cannot be the true kind of love. Besides the fear of competition, there are at least two other reasons why this “ because" kind of love brings insecurity with it. First, it makes us afraid that we may not really be the lovable person that our lover thinks we are. All men have two sides to their personality, to a greater or lesser extent. There is the side we show to people, and the other side only we ourselves know. We are constantly on guard to hide this second side for fear that those who love us may be dis­ appointed in us and reject us. Another reason for insecurity in this kind of love is the fear that some time in the future we may change and no longer be as lov­ able as we are. A very beautiful young woman in Japan was work­ ing in a cleaning establishment one day when a boiler exploded, and the fluid burned her face, chest, and hands. Her features were so badly disfigured that in the hospi­ tal she always wore a bandage over her whole face and allowed no one to see her except her doctor. The young man to whom she was en­ gaged broke off their engagement. During the few months she was in the hospital until her death, her parents, although living in the same city, did not come to see her. The love she enjoyed disappeared ov­

ernight, because it was the love based on her loveliness. With it gone, the love was gone. Too much of love as we know it in our human society is of this kind, leaving us unsure of its per­ manence. What other kind of love, then, is there? III. THE “ IN SPITE OF" KIND OF LOVE The third kind of love is what I call the “ in spite of" kind of love. It is different from the “ if" kind of love in that it has no strings at­ tached and expects nothing in re­ turn. It is different from the “ be­ cause" kind of love in that it is not brought forth by some attractive quality in the person who is being loved. In this third kind of love, the person is loved "in spite of," not because of, what he is. One may be the most ugly, most wretched, most debased person in the world and would still be loved when he meets this "in spite of" kind of love. He does not have to deserve it. He does not have to earn it by being good or attractive or wealthy. He is simply loved as he is, in spite of the faults or ignorance or bad habits or evil records he may have. He may seem absolutely worthless, and yet he would be loved as though he were of infinite worth. This is the kind of love for which our hearts are desperately hungry. Whether you realize it or not, this kind of love is more important to you than food or drink or clothes or home or family or wealth or success and fame. How can I say this? Let me ask you just one ques­ tion. What if you felt in your heart that nobody in this world cared for you, and not one person really loved you; would you not lose Page 39

interest in food, clothes, home, family, wealth, success, or fame? Would you not ask yourself, "What is the use of living?" Suppose at this very moment you suddenly had a bitter quarrel with the per­ son you cherished most and real­ ized that he or she loved you only for what he could get out of you; would your life not fold up from the inside so you could not go on another day? Even if you are some­ how going along from day to day thinking yourself reasonably hap­ py, could you live the rest of your life if there was no hope whatever that someday someone will love you with a true, deep, and satisfy­ ing love? You would probably des­ pair and end your life, or if you could not go that far, gradually destroy yourself by dissipating yourself carelessly and cheaply un­ til there was nothing left of you but a living corpse. You are getting along today eith­ er because you are receiving some semblance of this "in spite of" kind of love from someone or else hop­ ing some day to find it. But in this society of ours we cannot receive enough of this kind of love to sat­ isfy us fully because everybody is in need of it himself, and nobody has a surplus to give away. We expect some dear one near us to give us this love, but that person himself is also seeking it from someone else. In this world, we only get enough of it to whet our appetites and to show us how much we need it. The greatest scarcity in the world exists in the realm of this "in spite" kind of love. IV. JESUS CHRIST OFFERS US THE "IN SPITE OF" LOVE It is the wonderful message of

the Bible that in Jesus Christ this kind of love first became available to man in satisfying fulness. Man­ kind had been hungry for it down through the ages, not knowing where to look. God did not leave man empty in his longing and hop­ ing. He sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world to bring to each person more than enough love to satisfy him. Through the coming of Jesus, for the first time in the his­ tory of the world, man was able to see and feel this absolutely pure love with his own heart, not just to hunger for it or to speculate about it. The love that Christ brings to us from God is not the "if" kind of love. God does not say to us, "I will love you if you become a Christian." He loves Christians and non-Christians without any partial­ ity. He does not say, "I will love you if you are a good and moral person, if you go to church, if you give contributions to Christian causes, if you read the Bible, if you pray, if you become a minister or a priest, etc., etc." There are no "ifs" of any kind. He loves us ex­ actly as we are. He would love us just as much if we were worse. If day by day we became more de­ generate and rebellious, He would still love us with the same com­ plete love. He does not love us for what He can get out of us. There is no requirement we must meet, no condition to fulfill. How can I prove this? The fact that Jesus died on the cross is the proof. Jesus, the Son of God, came into the world and lived out His life in goodness and love toward all men, especially giving Himself to the poor and despised from whom He could ex­ pect nothing in return. He paid a

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