Youmaybeinterested . . . There are brochures available for your use in introducing the college and seminary programs to friends or rela tives. Please address your request to the Public Informa tion office. We will be happy to mail you a copy! Music Communications Missions General Information: Admissions Nursing Christian Education (Masters program) Catalog Supplements We are also planning to include a new Physical Science Major designed to give a student some breadth in the physical sciences. It emphasizes chemistry, physics, and mathematics. The program will also stress the relation ship of the facts of physical science to the literal inter pretation of scripture. A student within the major may emphasize biochemistry, chemistry, or physics. The most active areas of research, such as geochemis try, biophysics, biochemistry, and environmental science, cross major departmental lines and a flexible interde partmental training is needed for work in these fields. The physical science major will also serve as prepara tion for teaching in secondary schools and as pre-pro fessional training for the medical or technical fields. Biola Fellowship Wills and Estates
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