Artwork – James Hanson (Year 13)
Carelessness Joseph Robson (Year 9)
I lost a God once. It’s more easily done than people think. They are two a penny, if you allow them to specialise, because specialise, they will. Why have one omnipotent one when you could have gods of going to sleep and waking up tired, gods for handily placed appointments, gods for irritatingly placed appointments? You name it, there is a god for it. This god specialised in finding things. Once I had lost it, it was practically impossible to find. Gods, you see, manifest themselves in miniature people and this one in particular liked to crawl up my nasal cavity and bellow the lost object’s location at my brain. My guess is that it was coming back out after a particularly hard shouting, and had lost its grip. It took me almost a week to find it again, all the while losing pens, keys, and the ends of my sentences. It must have come back at some point, but since then, my forgetfulness has, oddly, been more intense. I think it’s angry with me; who knows why? I could ask the god of knowledge, but I don’t know where he lives, and I doubt I’ll get any help from our finding-focused deity.
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