Head of Estates - Kent Police

Direct, review and implement the -green- environmental property strategy for the Force, establishing key controls and standards taking account of best practice and recommended guidelines for all aspects of property design, utilisation and associated services (i.e. building sustainability), incorporating these considerations into specifications for proposed new builds and refurbishments, in order to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions and contribute to the conservation of the environment. Prepare, monitor and control revenue and capital budgets related to property, including reviewing the utility services provided to the Force and rates charged by local authorities, in order to ensure that adequate financial resources are available for use on works programmes and that expenditure is cost effective and contained within approved budgets. Direct and manage all planned property maintenance and reactive repairs, developing a rolling programme of works, revising and prioritising works as the need arises, arranging for assessments of repairs and assessing the risks involved with the delay of any works, ensuring that delays are kept to a minimum and that the programme is delivered in a cost effective and timely manner. Provide professional valuation and estate management services, implementing and managing a programme of acquisitions and disposals arising out of property and service reviews, negotiating complex legal Agreements, in order to meet proposed developments and targets for capital receipts. This includes providing advice and guidance and appropriate levels of professional support to senior managers throughout the Force.

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