Head of Estates - Kent Police

Diversity & Inclusion

Our Diversity Team co-ordinate and monitor the effectiveness of diversity across Kent Police and particularly in the training we provide. They also work with partner agencies and stakeholders to promote equality outside of the force. Our Community Liaison Team is responsible for all external diversity engagement activities and co-ordinates the work of our Community Liaison Officers and independent advisory groups. • Increase the number of black and minority ethnic (BME) officers to match that of the population in Kent • Retain and develop BAME colleagues into specialist and supervisory roles • Increase the number of women in specialist and supervisory roles • Increase the numbers of officers and staff self-declaring sexual orientation, disability and religion. The Single Equality Scheme is a public commitment to show how we’ll meet our legal requirements. It demonstrates how we promote equality in relation to: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation (also known as ‘protected characteristics’. Meeting these requirements is the minimum standard we aspire to. Our current equality objectives are to

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