Score St.Louis - February 2020

Keep UpWith the Big Businesses 3 Tech Trends to Accelerate Your Company

The line between technologies that are beneficial for large businesses and those beneficial for small businesses continues to blur.While the latest software programs were once only available to large companies that could afford them, some of these programs have also become available and profitable for small businesses to use. In an age of increasing connectivity, these are a few tech trends that small businesses should watch out for.

While marketing on Facebook and Instagram might seem like old news, marketing on trendier apps, like TikTok, Pinterest, or Snapchat, can still work to your business’s benefit.A recent study showed that 45% of consumers head to social media when they have a question about something — are you going to be there to answer it? Keeping up with the latest and greatest tech trends in small-business management can be exhausting, but in an age where technological advancement is accelerating faster than ever, it’s necessary for the survival of businesses of all shapes and sizes. With SCORE, you’re never alone!We offer workshops and seminars each month to help you develop the skills you need to succeed.Visit today! buying. Picking up the phone — or dropping in — to leave a post-sale impression could be more valuable than you realize. JUST LISTEN A good salesperson knows what their customers want.They actually listen to what customers are saying and don’t second-guess customers’ needs. Many people associate salespeople with smooth-talking and wittiness. But in reality, a good salesperson just needs to be a good listener.When a customer says,“I just want something that works,” they are not looking for the latest and greatest model. They just want something that works. Selling with your heart is easier than it appears, and these methods are a solid foundation for creating strong, lasting customer relationships. With SCORE, you’re never alone!We offer workshops and seminars each month to help you develop the skills you need to succeed.Visit today!

COLLABORATIONWITHARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE While it certainly shouldn’t replace every customer interaction, using AI software programs for small tasks — like email marketing, data entry, accounting, and some low-stress forms of customer service — is invaluable to small businesses. Delegating menial tasks to AI can free up time for you to focus on those more important face-to-face interactions with your customers.

valuable information that can be used to grow businesses was something that only the largest companies had the time, funds, and expertise to do. However, more programs that reduce the upfront investment and expertise necessary to contextualize customer data are popping up. If you can make use of your customers’ data, you can give them an experience with your business that they won’t find many other places.



Social media marketing remains an effective tool for attracting customers to your small business, even if the tools continue to change.

“Big data” is intimidating. For years, sifting through customer data and extracting


customer, then you’re no better than a swindler.Your product has to be a win for the customer, and you have to believe in it wholeheartedly to succeed. THE ‘HOWYA DOIN’?’ CALL The sale is done.The dotted line is signed. The customer is happy, and you are excited. Time to forget about them and move on to the next sale, right? Wrong.You have to follow up with customers after a successful sale. If anything has gone wrong, checking in will allow you to be

Let’s face it: Salespeople get a bad rap. Scammers, con artists, and inexperienced or unempathetic sellers make it hard to convince customers you have their best interests in mind. Here are three qualities every salesperson must have to convincingly sell with heart. AWIN-WIN The most important trait of an ethical salesperson is having a product or service that is honest and true.You can’t

ethically peddle something that doesn’t have value for your potential customers. Sure, it’s exciting to make a sale. It gives you a sense

proactive in fixing it. Being proactive builds trust and bolsters your

chance of a referral. It also lets you learn from happy and dissatisfied customers.You can discover what worked, what didn’t, and what they wish they had known before

of accomplishment, and the payout isn’t too bad, either. But if what you’re selling doesn’t also benefit your


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