Rapport du Comité de l'API sur la confidentialité

Halpern, J. (2003). Beyond wishful thinking: facing the harm that psychotherapists can do by writing about their patients. Journal of Clinical Ethics 14 : 118-136. Hinshelwood, R. D. (2003). A psychoanalytic perspective on confidentiality: The divided mind in treatment. In: Confidential Relationships. Psychoanalytic, Ethical, and Legal Contexts , Amsterdam/New York: Editions Rodopi, pp 31-51. Joffe, S. (2003). Public dialogue and the boundaries of moral community. Journal of Clinical Ethics 14 : 101-107. Kantrowitz, J. L. (2004). Writing about patients: III. Comparisons of attitudes and practices of analysts residing outside of and within the United States. IJP 85 : 3-22. Kantrowitz, J. L. (2005). Patients Reading about Themselves: A Stimulus for Psychoanalytic Work. Psychoanal Quart 74 : 365-395. Kantrowitz, J. L. (2006). Writing about Patients: Analysts’ Attitudes and Practices and Their Effect on Patients . Other Press: NY. Katz-Gilbert, M., Ed. (2013). Secret et confidentialité en clinique psychanalytique. Lausanne: Éditions In Press. Kernberg, O. (2003). Some reflections on confidentiality in clinical practice. In: Levin C, Furlong A, & O'Neil MK editors. Confidentiality: Ethical Perspectives and Clinical Dilemmas , . Hillsdale, N.J.: Analytic Press, p. 79-83. Klumpner, G. & Frank, A. (1991). On methods of reporting clinical material. JAPA , 39 : 537- 551. Klumpner, G. & Galatzer-levy, R. (1991). Presentation of clinical experience. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn. , 39: 727-740. Koggel, C. M. (2003). Confidentiality in the liberal tradition: A relational critique. In: Confidential Relationships. Psychoanalytic, Ethical, and Legal Contexts , Amsterdam/New York: Editions Rodopi, 113-131. Laplanche, J. (1989). New Foundations for Psychoanalysis , Trans. D. Macey, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Laplanche, J. (1991a). La révolution copernicienne inachevée: travaux 1967-1992. Paris: Aubier. Laplanche, J. (1999). A short treatise on the unconscious. In: Thurston, L translator. Essays on Otherness , p. 84-116. London/New York: Routledge.


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